Sunday, April 27, 2008

We'll be coming round the mountain...

Scott and I thought we should take advantage of the last of the nice weather (at least for a while) this weekend so we decided to go for a hike. And when I say hike, I mean climb a 3100 foot mountain. Doesn't that sound like fun?

This climb was uphill the WHOLE time. Each time I thought we were close to the top I'd look up and it seemed miles away. But after about an hour and a half or so we made it!

This is always the best part of the climb. Looking at the amazing view and how far you've come. I think Scott could have stayed up there forever.

Those of you that know me, know I'm not the most graceful. I definitely had a few moments on the mountain. While this picture may look like I'm just resting there, I'm not. I'm actually sliding down...and not on purpose. Luckily Scott was there to catch me...and this pic!

Wouldn't you climb that far to look out at this?

And we still had smiles on our faces after all of it!

Scott and I are looking forward to a long season of trips like this. Some longer, some shorter, but we're excited that the weather's getting nicer and pretty soon we'll be able to do this more often.

Saturday, April 26, 2008

Marathon Monday

One more thing that happened on Monday here in Boston...the Boston Marathon. I had to check it out.

There were a lot of spectators and a lot of runners. But I have to say, I think Chicago does it a little better! I was excited to check this one out, but will be happier when I'm running through all the neighborhoods in October. Did I just say that??

The week of baseball...

I was lucky enough to hit not one, but two baseball games this past week. Both for work. The weather was great for both games.

After all the times I've been at Wrigley, this is the first time I took a picture of it. I admit, I kind of felt like a tourist doing it, but it had to be done.

We had great seats in the bleachers and were lucky enough to watch the teams practice ahead of time.

Sorry all you Ohio folks...your Reds got smoked that night!!

This one's from Fenway Park on Patriot's Day. We take a big group of clients out to the game and we were lucky enough to have a beautiful sunny day!

And I get paid to do all of this. How lucky am I?

Surprise, Surpise!

Every time I come home, I try to hit my brother's restaurant and this time was no different...or so I thought. I had plans to stay at my mom's on Friday night and we were going to head home from the city together and grab a drink and some dinner at Cooper's Hawk. Great!

We got there, grabbed a seat at the bar and I thought that was it. All of the sudden my friend Lacey comes around the corner. I was surprised to see her and thought it was just a coincidence she was there. So I asked her who she was there with. She said she was here for me. I figured my mom called her since she knew we haven't seen each other in awhile.

Then Dana and Michelle came around the corner. Ok...something's going on. Dana asked if anyone else was here yet. There's more people coming???

To make a long story short, my mom and Dana got together and through me a surprise party with my friends and family who couldn't make it to my bachelorette party. We had a private room in the restaurant and my stomach still hurts from all the laughing we did that night!

Thanks to everyone who came and a big thanks to Mom and Dana for setting it all up. You guys are the best!!

Fun Times Back in Chicago

Scott and I were back in Chicago last weekend to catch up with friends and have our bachelor/bachelorette parties. Let's just say that we both had way too much fun! I think it's a good thing there's not too many pictures! Here's a few from my night though...

Here's all my girls that came out. And yes, that's me in the boas and tiara on the right!

Becky and Colleen having a good time together later in the evening. I think they both went home shortly after this picture was taken :)

We all had a great time that night! Thanks again to all of you for coming out!

Monday, April 14, 2008

Me and the Boys

While Scott was in San Diego surfing and rock climbing this past weekend, I went to my first Red Sox game. It was me and a few guys that I work with. We had a lot of fun. Had some burgers and beers before the game, munched on some peanuts during the game. I was truly one of the guys. One thing I learned: Red Sox fans are crazy! The Sox were playing the Yankees, so I'm sure you can imagine the things that were being said. I felt like I was in the bleachers of Wrigley Field! Actually, I'll be there on Wednesday so I'll really be able to compare the experience.

Don't worry, I haven't converted to a Red Sox fan...nor will I ever! But it's fun to experience it all while I'm here!

Sunday, April 6, 2008


Scott and I have made friends with another couple that likes food as much as we do. They had us over during the week for Mexican night. They made the tacos, we brought the sangria. It was great. When we knocked on their door, this is what they saw.

Camping, here we come!

Since spring's right around the corner, Scott and I wanted to make sure we had everything ready to go camping. We have pretty much everything except 2 things...Scott needed a new backpack and I needed a sleeping bag. So we headed to REI and got them. Scott had to order his pack, but I was able to get my bag. Of course I had to try it out!

I think I'll keep it!

He did it!!

Scott decided a few months ago that he wanted to start building things. And when I say building, I mean from scratch. No guides, nothing to follow. He decided his first project would be a wine rack and if he could do this, he could make anything. Well, he did it. It was tougher than he thought, but I think it turned out great. You can see for yourself.

This was the starting point. Scott basically went to Home Depot with the idea and came home with all the parts. I admit, at this point I was a little nervous.

Day by day Scott worked a little more on it. Some days were better than others. I think this day was the worst of it. I decided to leave the room at one point to let Scott work it out.

I was so proud of him when it came together. Now if the floor was only even!

Before it was painted we had to make sure we could fill it without it falling. It worked!

Once it was painted you could really see how well it turned out. And it really helped to see it full of wine too!

Who knows what will be the next project!!