Monday, May 26, 2008

5 days to go!!

I can't believe we only have 5 more days to go until Scott and I get married! We've been engaged for 9 months now and that time has flown by. So much has happened since then that some days it doesn't seem real. Most people take things one step at a time, not us. Soon after we got engaged, we moved, got new jobs, ran a marathon and so much more. While Scott and I have a great life together already, we are so excited to begin a new chapter as husband and wife.

I have to say, with everything we've been through the past few months, I wouldn't have been able to do any of it without Scott. I know it may sound cheesy, but he truly is my best friend. We might not follow all the "mainstream" rules of life, but whatever we do, we do it together. And I wouldn't have it any other way.

I am so excited for next weekend and to be Mrs. Scott Vogel.

Oh yeah, Thailand won't be too bad either!

Friday, May 16, 2008

A Tale of 2 Marys

For those of you that don't know, both my mom and Scott's mom are named Mary. We joke that we have Mary #1 and Mary #2.

I figure since the wedding's 2 weeks away, now we be a good time to share all the good stuff they've done for us.

Mary #1 (my mom)

Where do I start???

I can't count all the phone calls we've had about dresses, shoes, favors, guests, food. We've covered everything. We've gone shopping together. Actually, mom's turned in to my personal shopper. Every few weeks I'll get a call, "I'm in XXXXX (name of store) and I see XXXXX that I think would be great for the wedding. Want me to pick it up?". Because of this, I have jewelry, a purse, a card holder, tons of decorations. You name it, she got it. Plus I've had so much delivered home to be brought up to Wisconsin. Oh...and she's coming up north early to help us get everything ready.

Mary #2 (Scott's mom)

Scott's mom has been awesome. Her and Bob (Scott's dad) are already up in Wisconsin getting everything ready. They had to open up their cabin before anything. They're busy picking up drinks, decorations and pretty much any last minute thing they can! And they drove over 12 hours with a trailer to get everything there. You guys rock!!


I don't think Scott and I would be able to pull all of this off without all they're help. We keep getting asked, "Isn't it hard to plan a wedding when you aren't there?" The answer has been no. But the truth is we've had so much help getting to this point.

Now obviously, Scott and I wouldn't be here without them. But this wedding wouldn't be here without them either. So this is our way of saying thanks. You're the best!!