Saturday, September 27, 2008

Time for a change

When I grew my hair out after college, I vowed never to cut it again. Oh sure, I'd get an inch cut every so often. But if I cut an inch I let it grow two more before I got it cut again. Every inch cut off felt like 6. I turned in to one of "them". You know, the girls who cry in the salon when it's cut too short...and it's to their butt! I started having visions that I would be one of those old ladies walking down the street and their hair is so long you want to pull out your scissors and cut it yourself.

Plus...I just wanted a cute new haircut.

I walked in, told my stylist what I wanted, and he went to work. He immediately put my hair into a ponytail and cut the ponytail right off! Kind of like pulling off a band-aid...the faster the better. I didn't even have time to change my mind.

Here's the new me:

What do you think?

Sunday, September 21, 2008

My husband

Scott's always doing something funny to show me how much he loves me. Here's just one example that he did on Friday night...

Probably doesn't seem all that silly until you read the note that's attached to him...

Yes, he's a goober, but that's part of what I love about him!

He also does other random bringing me home flowers for no reason on Saturday afternoon.

Guess that's why I married him!!

Monday, September 15, 2008

Family, Fun, & Food

My mom and Tim came to visit this weekend and we had so much fun. So much that I had to take a nap after the left! It was a short visit, but we managed to squeeze a lot of fun in.

We ate pastries in Little Italy...

There was brotherly bonding...

More eating and drinking at a great seafood restaurant...

Wine, wine and more wine...

Fun family time...

And more eating!

Thanks Mom & Tim for all the fun!

Happy Birthday

Happy Birthday Chris!!!



Monday, September 1, 2008


While I was at home this weekend, Scott was busy having fun with "his boys" in Houston. We were talking about what to do for dinner tonight, when Scott asked me "So are we just having scraps for dinner?"(meaning a piece meal of whatever was in the fridge).

Did he forget who he married???

Just for the record I made a "real" meal of pasta and veggies.


A few Reasons why I love going home:

And 1 Reason I love being back in Boston: