Monday, July 27, 2009


If anyone has seen my ankles, can you tell them I'm looking for them? They seem to have gotten lost over the weekend and haven't come back.

Saturday, July 18, 2009

What is it...

About being pregnant that makes everyone think they can say or do whatever they feel around you?

I've had comments from homeless people, congratulating me on having a boy. (No this has not been confirmed by the doctor.)

I've had clients not only touch, but continuously rub my belly.

And today I got, "Are you sure there's only one in there? You're just so big!" I'm sorry...I'm only growing another human being in here!!! And it's all in my belly!

If anyone has some good comebacks to these, I'm all ears!

Sunday, July 5, 2009

Second 4th in Boston

This weekend we enjoyed our second 4th of July out east. It started out a little interesting...

While driving around, we stumbled upon some wild turkeys roaming the neighborhood. We couldn't let that go by without a picture!

The 4th is really big out here. We made our way through the huge crowd of people and enjoyed a great fireworks display! Here's just a taste of what we saw...

Hope everyone had a great 4th!

Buddha and the Beach