Chris has a plethora of experience when it comes to infants and kids. Myself on the other hand is a greenhorn. One thing I'm really good at is wrapping Acadia like a Chipotle Burrito. As well, the two of us really like to dance a lot. I'm sure I'll discover other hidden talents.
Below is a picture of Acadia's identification tag, which helped us make sense of the shepherds, camels and the bright northern star that followed us everywhere we went.
One of Chris's colleagues Steve and his girlfriend Joanne came to visit us. They brought some GF pastries and got to meet Acadia.
I smuggled in some champagne to celebrate Acadia's arrival. Chris slept for 4 hours after two sips and had to eat greasy foods to get by.
This was Acadia's going home outfit. It was two sizes too large so she looked a lot like a smurf with baggy clothing.
Here are some more pictures from the day. Chris's mom had signs up welcoming us home and a fridge full of food. We're excited for Acadia to meet my folks and Chris's Dad/Lyn in the coming weeks. On top of all of the excitement, flowers and an Edible Arrangement awaited us when we got home today. Needless to say we're having too much fun already being parents.
Lastly, Chris will be back posting shortly, I'm just pitch hitting until she's back to full strength.