Monday, August 31, 2009

Day 2 & 3

Today was a big day, Acadia came home with us. To our surprise no manual was issued upon our release or a 24 hour customer service hot-line to call. With that said we are amped to have our little burrito home with us.

Chris has a plethora of experience when it comes to infants and kids. Myself on the other hand is a greenhorn. One thing I'm really good at is wrapping Acadia like a Chipotle Burrito. As well, the two of us really like to dance a lot. I'm sure I'll discover other hidden talents.

Below is a video of Acadia acting out the day and a life of a Chip0tle Burrito.

Below is a picture of Acadia's identification tag, which helped us make sense of the shepherds, camels and the bright northern star that followed us everywhere we went.

One of Chris's colleagues Steve and his girlfriend Joanne came to visit us. They brought some GF pastries and got to meet Acadia.

I smuggled in some champagne to celebrate Acadia's arrival. Chris slept for 4 hours after two sips and had to eat greasy foods to get by.

This was Acadia's going home outfit. It was two sizes too large so she looked a lot like a smurf with baggy clothing.

Here are some more pictures from the day. Chris's mom had signs up welcoming us home and a fridge full of food. We're excited for Acadia to meet my folks and Chris's Dad/Lyn in the coming weeks. On top of all of the excitement, flowers and an Edible Arrangement awaited us when we got home today. Needless to say we're having too much fun already being parents.

Lastly, Chris will be back posting shortly, I'm just pitch hitting until she's back to full strength.

Saturday, August 29, 2009

IT'S A GIRL!!! Meet Acadia Ann Vogel

Acadia Ann Vogel was born on August 28th at 9:42 pm. She weighed 7 lbs 2 oz and was 20 inches long.

It all started with Chris's water breaking at 12:00 am after a solid 1 hour of sleep. The good thing is we put a plastic protective sheet on our bed the night before. :) At 4:45 am we headed to the hospital. 12+ hours later Chris started pushing (6 pm). After 3.5 hours of hard pushing we rushed into the OR and with some help from the doctors Acadia came out to say hello.

Below are some pictures of our little bundle of joy. I'm in awe of my wife and the proudest papa in the world.

Acadia 2 minutes old

Less than a day later and Chris looks amazing. I love watching her being a mom.

I like to think she's already a "Daddy's Girl"

The hospital staff is amazing at Mass General, they went out of their way to make all of us feel comfortable. They even set Mary up in the waiting room with a cot and posted the above sign to keep people out last night.

Acadia is a very loved gal already. She can't wait to meet all her grandparents, great grandparents, aunts, uncle and cousins.

Our first family picture

Why the name Acadia? Chris and I love Acadia National Park for starters. The name itself is just very unique and fitting for us and her. We already loved her before she was born.

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Busy Busy

Scott and I moved into our new townhouse a little less than a month ago. And we've been busy getting it together ever since!
While we still have some little things to do to it, here's a few pics to start.

Scott has turned into the handyman around here. He bought all sorts of new tools and couldn't wait to use them. Here, he mounted the tv himself.

I've been working on the baby's room. And while it's ready, we're still waiting to hang up some pictures and things on the walls. So more pics to follow shortly on that room!

And here's probably the biggest project Scott tackled. Our bedroom has only one little closet and that just wasn't going to work with the two of us. So we bought a build it yourself organizer.

Scott worked so hard on it and put a lot of sweat into it...

And it turned out great! The best part is, all of our clothes fit!

It's so nice to have a little space and feel settled. Now it's just time to wait for the baby to arrive!

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

My daddy is a surfer

With the arrival of Hurricane Bill last weekend, Scott was finally able to get out and do some surfing. He's been itching for it all summer, but the waves just weren't there. We had to sit out a few storms, but once the clouds cleared up Scott was good to go.

Thursday, August 20, 2009

The Man Shower

Since moving out here, Scott's made friends with a few of the guys in my office. The girls threw me a shower last week, and they guys didn't want Scott to feel left out. So tonight is his "man shower".
I have a feeling there will be more pictures to post, but for now, here's a fun one.

Don't you just love the huge smile on Scott's face???

Wednesday, August 12, 2009


The past few weeks have been crazy here. Between packing, moving, unpacking, and oh yeah, getting ready for the baby, blogging has fallen by the wayside. So this will be a longer post, but it should cover all the happenings.

Scott's parents came out and helped us pack up the apartment. I don't think, actually I know, we couldn't have moved without their help. We were able to get away for a little while though and enjoy some nice weather.

Note to Scott: Never try to get a good picture of a pregnant woman while she's eating. That's more important!
Note to Bob: Never try to take food away from pregnant woman. See reason above.

Once we moved in, Scott made a new best friend. They spend every night after dinner together.

And speaking of dinner, it is so nice to have a kitchen with space! This is definitely my room!

This past weekend we had some more visitors to help unpack. Again, we were able to get away for a little bit to enjoy some fun...and lobster!

We needed a good dinner after spending some time working on the baby's room. The room's almost complete. Just adding the finishing touches.

After dinner we took in this amazing view.

My mom was kind enough to give me a pedicure since I really can't reach my toes
all that well. That might have been my favorite part of the weekend!

And here's the latest and greatest of my belly. Please ignore the nappy was a long day. I'm just about 37 weeks and as you can see, my clothes aren't exactly fitting right now. I've put on a few more pounds (maybe more than a few) but am still filling really good. I think Scott's a little more nervous now after hearing a few too many stories over the weekend, but overall we're just excited for the arrival of the little one!