Thursday, April 29, 2010

Acadia and I headed home for a few days this past week to enjoy some family time. If you can believe it, this was Acadia's sixth flight! She's quite the traveler and I'm happy to report she was a great flier once again.

We got home on Saturday and I headed to my cousin Sara's baby shower while Grandma Lyn watched Acadia. I thought she'd be tired from the flight, but no. Acadia didn't nap all afternoon and somehow she was still a happy girl!

Sunday we met up with Tim, Dana and Ellie (along with Grandma Mary and Dana's parents) for the March of Dimes walk. The weather was perfect, at least during the walk. Then after we all headed to Tim & Dana's to hang out.

While we were there something big happened...Acadia said her first word! I was lucky enough to catch it on video, so I'll post that soon, but she clearly said dada. While it wasn't my first choice of things for her to say I'm so excited. Now we'll start working on mama!

Here's some fun pics from the week...

Miss Ellie looking super cute as always.
We had so much fun playing turtles and dinosaurs and reading.
She's getting so big!

And speaking of big, check out Keaton!
He's almost 6 months and has really grown since the last time I saw him.

Keaton and Acadia are about exactly the same size.
It was so cute to watch them play together.

Keaton was very good about sharing his toys with Acadia.
I think he's learning from his big sister.

In just over a month we're heading to North Carolina for a family vacation with everyone. I can't wait! Can't wait to see you all again soon!

Naked Baby Alert!

What do you do when you have a naked baby? Take pictures, of course! Due to some major diaper rash last week, Acadia had the pleasure of hanging out without her diaper on. To make it easier, I put some extra blankets on the floor and let her roam free. She seemed to have liked it...

Don't you just want to pinch those little cheeks?

Perfect toy placement.

This is one of Acadia's new faces and it's becoming one of my favorites!

Shouldn't we all love what we see in the mirror this much?

Thankfully, her tushy is much better!

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Spring Has Sprung!!!

Spring has officially begun in New England!
(Chris is feeling under the weather, so I figured I would pitch hit for her)

Since moving here Chris and I have been under the belief that the season of Spring doesn't exist in the Northeast (Winter ends and immediately Summer begins in late May). However, this year Spring has started off more like we're used to with warm sunny days, flowers in peak bloom and leaves on trees.

This past weekend the weather was warm/sunny, so we ventured out and explored our area a bit more.
Before heading out we had to make sure Acadia was properly rugged up.

Acadia sat in her stroller like a "Big Girl" for the first time.

We walked for about 2 miles and came across a beautiful spot to hang out and give Acadia her afternoon snack. We're still numb to the reality we live in walking distance to this.

After returning from our walk, we put Acadia on the floor to play. As she started moving about -- Chris and I looked at each other and's time to start baby proofing! It's official, she has figured out locomotion.

Below are some pictures from Easter Sunday. Needless to say we missed everyone.

Monday, April 5, 2010

That's it!!

I know New Year's was a few months ago, but I'm starting my resolutions now!

As I type this I feel half sick from all the ham I've eaten in the past 24 hours. I think I might have over done it this time. Mind you, I don't even really like ham. We had company over yesterday and got all the fixings for Easter dinner, but didn't really get anything else to eat. So ham for breakfast, ham for lunch. I'm craving something green...and fresh. The Reese's peanut butter egg didn't do it.

I made the comment to Scott the other day that Acadia eats better than we do. She has fruits or vegetables at each meal. They're all organic. I haven't given her meat yet because #1 meat in a jar grosses me out, and #2 I don't think she needs it. Maybe I should follow how I feed her?

Then, as I was folding laundry, I folded a shirt of mine that had a hole in it. Now, if it has a hole in it I probably shouldn't be wearing it anymore. But I really had to contemplate throwing it away.
What is wrong with me???

It seems to be the perfect time of year to overhaul everything. It's not called "spring cleaning" for nothing.

I think I'll be doing some spring cleaning of my own today!

Saturday, April 3, 2010

The many faces of Acadia...

What a rough life!

Happy Easter!

As you can see, Acadia's super excited about her first Easter!

She's got her bunny ears and new bunny toy all ready to go!

Hope everyone has as much fun as she does!