Sunday, February 20, 2011

It's Skyline Time

Grandma & Grandpa Vogel sent us a care package which contained a lot of goodies. Within the box were some cans of Skyline Chili (Cincinnati Chili) and bibs for all of us.

Needless to say it was an exciting moment for Acadia to try Skyline for the first time, so we had to document the moment with a video.

I can't wait to take her to a Red's game and have her try Graeter's ice cream!

Monday, February 14, 2011

Happy Valentine's Day!

From our little love bug...

Family Weekend of Fun

Everyone is finally healthy around here so we busted out and spent some time away from home.

Saturday we took a trip to the Children's Museum in Boston and Sunday we went swimming at the local YMCA.

I took Acadia a while back to the museum, but she just started walking so we couldn't do that much. Not this time! She had a blast playing in all the different exhibits. She played with puzzles, chalk, and just had fun running around.

Of course, we had to do something very important when we first got!

Acadia was such a big girl she didn't want to hold either of our hands and just wanted to do things on her own.

Sunday all three of us went to family swim at the Y. It's been awhile since we've done that so it was fun. Good to know that Acadia still loves the water. Since we were all in the pool we don't have any pictures, but Acadia smiled and laughed the whole time.

Her new thing is to play "dress up". Acadia will go in her drawers and pick out things she wants you to put on her. Well, she must have really liked her bathing suit because she wanted to put it on over everything! This is from yesterday, though today she wanted the same thing. We might have a pro wrestler here with this outfit!

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Large and in charge

For those of you wondering what I look like these days...

Our little fashionista?

Between all the snow and then a round of colds, we've spent the past few weekends indoors. It's definitely been fun seeing how Acadia stays entertained.

Acadia has a style all her own (like mother like daughter?). Most days she'll wear her coat inside, even if it's 80 degrees in there. She's also got a thing for shoes...notice the aqua shoes she has on. And I do try to put pants on her, but sometimes she's just too quick getting away from me.

Acadia also likes my purse, though I think she is more intrigued by what she might find in there. She probably thinks there's food hiding somewhere in it.

She's had a cold the past few days so we've had some all day pajama days. These are some of my favorite jammies...she looks so big in them!

And while I love this picture, the funniest part of it is what you don't see. See, Acadia is also fighting off some diaper rash, so this shirt is literally all she had on.

Thankfully she's feeling much better so hopefully we'll be able to get out (and put some clothes on her) next weekend.