Thursday, July 21, 2011

More pics...

Just some more cute pics from the past couple of weeks...

Of course, Acadia eating...

And helping Mama in the kitchen (Grandma Lowery would be so proud!)

Our smiley little boy...

Who's getting bigger every day...

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Weekend Adventures

Last weekend we took Acadia and Rylan on our first family hike. We all hopped in the car, drove about an hour and a half to New Hampshire and found a "kid friendly" mountain to climb.

Acadia was a little skeptical...

So was I with the way it all started off. It was off a dirt road that we kept passing up. We finally decided to stop because both kids were getting hungry and restless. Nothing like a roadside picnic and diaper change to start off the adventure!

It was all worth it though because at the top there was an amazing view.

The rest of the weekend was spent playing (and cleaning up after playing)...

And working on new found skills...

But from their faces, I think Acadia and Rylan had fun!