Monday, July 28, 2014

Zoo fun

Yesterday we went to a nearby zoo for something different to do. It's a small zoo but perfect for the kids, especially since it was super hot out. As usual, they had a lot of fun!

Tuesday, June 17, 2014


It's feeling like summer here so we busted out the water table and all the toys that go with it. Who knew a couple of buckets were all these two needed!

Saturday, May 3, 2014

Family Weekend

We've been going a little stir crazy here so last weekend we loaded up the truck and headed west.  Western Massachusetts that is.
We found a hotel with a pool and set out on our adventure...

The weather wasn't all that great, but we still had some fun.

We went to a children's museum that the kids just loved.  We visited the Dr. Seuss garden exhibit (a garden that had statues of Dr. Seuss characters) did a lot of swimming in the hotel pool.  The best part was the last part of the trip...our family hike.

This was one of our first hikes that neither kid was in a backpack.  Rylan and Acadia loved it!  They ran around, climbed rocks, hid in tunnels.  I know we're all looking forward to doing this again!

We threw the usual routine out the window so no one napped at the hotel.  For the most part it worked.  Both kiddos were super tired after all the fun and slept most of the ride home.

Here's to more adventures!!

Tuesday, April 1, 2014


Three.  How did that happen?  It seems like just yesterday you were my little baby boy.  You sure aren't a baby anymore!

You are happy and silly and such a good cuddler.  But like any three year old you're also cranky and whiney and feisty!  You're also very sensitive.  When you get hurt, the only thing that can make it better is a kiss from mama (though I'm also the person you like to hit if you're upset).

You love animals, especially our friend's dog, Dutchie.  If she's with us, you're glued to her side petting her.  That makes Daddy super happy.

You also love music.  While you love to sing in school and in the car, if I ask you to sing at home it's a firm "NO!".  And you never want mama to sing!


You love being outside.  It was a tough winter and we made the most of it, but at the first sight of spring we got out!  You need to be outside.  I don't know where you (and your sister) get your energy, but you need to run it out!  Nothing makes you sleep better than a little time in the fresh air.

You still love to eat.  I have no idea where you put all the food you consume, but boy can you put it away!  Thankfully you like good stuff like sweet potatoes, broccoli, and hummus, but if I ask you your favorite food you're quick to say "hotdog and ketchup".
And you sure do love your sister.  It's been pretty sweet to watch you two slowly form an amazing bond.  You always want to do what she is doing and it kills you when she doesn't want to play with you (thankfully it's not that often).  I love watching the two of you play hide and go seek and tag and have a dance party.  

It's hard to believe just a short time ago you were such a little peanut.  Not anymore.  Soon you'll be going to preschool and starting a whole new chapter of your little life.  No matter how big you get though you'll always be my little boy.

Sunday, March 23, 2014

Best buds

It doesn't happen all the time, but when Acadia and Rylan get along my heart melts. This was one of those moments as we walked home from the park.

Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Monday, February 3, 2014

Something that never happens

Hi ho hi ho

It's off to hike we go...

We got a bit of a tease with the weather here and got out while we could!

Unfortunately most of the trail was still covered in ice even though it was warm over the weekend. I think the kids (both big & little) still had fun!

Sunday, January 19, 2014

Two Crazy Kids

That's the only way to describe Rylan and Acadia these days...crazy!  Crazy and silly and goofy and just nuts!  Their craziness does lend it's hand to some funny pictures though...