Saturday, May 3, 2014

Family Weekend

We've been going a little stir crazy here so last weekend we loaded up the truck and headed west.  Western Massachusetts that is.
We found a hotel with a pool and set out on our adventure...

The weather wasn't all that great, but we still had some fun.

We went to a children's museum that the kids just loved.  We visited the Dr. Seuss garden exhibit (a garden that had statues of Dr. Seuss characters) did a lot of swimming in the hotel pool.  The best part was the last part of the trip...our family hike.

This was one of our first hikes that neither kid was in a backpack.  Rylan and Acadia loved it!  They ran around, climbed rocks, hid in tunnels.  I know we're all looking forward to doing this again!

We threw the usual routine out the window so no one napped at the hotel.  For the most part it worked.  Both kiddos were super tired after all the fun and slept most of the ride home.

Here's to more adventures!!