Friday, December 28, 2007

End of Year Wrap Up

I'm not usually one to write a holiday letter or anything like that, but I figure that so much has happened in the past year that I might as well keep everyone up to date with the good stuff :)

Great things that happened in 2007 (in date order):

-Went backpacking in the desert with only a backpack for each of us. 3 days later we walked out, about 10 pounds lighter, a little tired, but wanting to do it again and again!

-Applied for and accepted a new position at work.

-Went to Connecticut for 3 months to train for my new position.

-While east, travelled to Maine, Boston, Rhode Island and a few other little towns along the way.

-Got engaged in Maine, while camping for the weekend! Realized after the fact, that I was in a dirty tank top, hadn't washed my hair, and was wearing flip flops...guess Scott really loves me for who I am!

-Turned 30...and realized that life is better with age.

-Trained for and ran our first marathon together.

-Moved to a new city with my best friend.

Things to look forward to in 2008:

-Getting married to my soul mate.

-Spending 2 weeks in Thailand (yes, Thailand!) for our honeymoon. Maybe even ride an elephant while there!

-Travel and see new places out east that I never would have if we hadn't moved here.

-Go wherever life takes us.

I hope all our friends and family had a wonderful year and look forward to the year ahead!

Happy 2008 to all!!


Anonymous said...

Thailand!!! Do you need that!!! Just kidding. That sounds so great! I loved all your pictures over the holidays and we missed you guys too! You wouldn't believe how much food we had left (just kidding). I am glad you had a great time in Ohio. Have a great weekend and a Happy New Year!


Aunt Carol

Anonymous said...

I think I rode an elephant home one night from the old watering hole when I was younger, but I'm not exactly sure. Just remember. the trunk is in the front! UNCLE WACO