Monday, December 17, 2007

Let it Snow

For those of you that don't know, the Northeast got hit with 2 big snows last of which was Thursday night. Most people were sent home early on Thursday afternoon, and the city was a mess. Being from Chicago, Scott and I couldn't really figure out what the big fuss was all about. It was just snow...or so we thought! Turned out we got a foot of snow Thursday night and another 8 to 10 inches on Saturday!
We were both getting a little stir crazy, so we thought we'd take advantage of the nice day on Saturday. It was definitely cold, but the sky was clear and there wasn't any wind around. So for a few hours we decided to go snowshoeing. I thought we were going for a leisurely hike, but I was soon mistaken. Scott was almost pulling me by the end of it, but we still had a great time. The view was amazing, and it was nice to get out.

A few things that I realized this weekend:

1. If I can get past the initial 10-15 minutes of cold, I actually like being outside when it's a little chilly.

2. There's a lot of great spots to visit out here...especially if you like the outdoors!

3. If you start out early enough, it's okay to have dinner at 4:30.

Hope all of you were able to enjoy whatever the weather has brought your way!


Michelle and Jack said...

It sounds exhiliarating! I've been doing everything in my power these days to get outside and enjoy the crisp air of does a body good. Talk about "stir crazy"? Try being stuck in the house with two little people who cry and wear diapers! :)

Anonymous said...

Those crisp cool mornings used to be fun, but now my fingers burn my gloves are wet, and I'm cold. So enjoy them while you are young. I know I used to. And one more thing. You can eat dinner at 9A.M. if you want to. Have fun guys. UNCLE WACO