Monday, March 17, 2008

Sweet Home Chicago!

Scott had a business trip to Chicago this weekend and I couldn't let him go alone! While he was busy at work, I was enjoying being back at home.

We stayed downtown and had a great view of the city from our hotel room. I was able to see the river being dyed green for St. Patrick's Day. I think it stays that color almost year round!
While I didn't make it to the parade, I had enough fun checking out all the crazy outfits everyone had on walking around the city.

Scott was busy working at the annual Houseware Show at McCormick Place. While it was different this year since he's at a new company, everything seemed to work out really well. It was a fun experience for me to visit the show and not work at it. Maybe next year I'll be demo-ing the steam mop!

I also got to catch up with family which is always great, especially since we won't see any of them for Easter. I went shopping with my mom, lunch with Tim, Dana, Ellie, Dad, and the rest of that clan. As usual the time flew by.

It was kind of funny coming home this time though. I really appreciated all the little things that I don't think I ever noticed when I was home every day. I'm looking forward to my next trip back when I can stay a little longer!


Unknown said...

Great seeing the Euro-Pro booth and the wonderful view you had from the hotel!

Ellie is growing!

m. said...

Hi Chris!
This is the first time I have checked out your blog....Your weekend in Chicago sounds like it was great. You are absolutely STUNNING in every photo on the blog (and in rel life, but we don't see you that often so...)Your wedding is going to be amazing, ad so fun! Cant wait to see you.