Saturday, August 30, 2008

Wedding Pics

Hopefully you've all gotten your email with the link to view our wedding pictures. For those of you I've missed, here it is. They're better than we could have ever imagined!

If for some reason you aren't able to print them because of copyright issues, let us know. We actually purchased the rights and have signed releases if you need them.

Sunday, August 24, 2008

Picnic in the park

It's been a busy few weeks so Scott and I decided to have a "date night" on Friday night. My only request was that we go somewhere we're I had options for healthy food. I'd been traveling during the week and after a few days of iceberg lettuce and nachos, I needed something good for me.

It was a perfect night so we hopped on the train and headed to the river. But before that we headed to Whole Foods for a run through the salad bar. I've never been so excited to eat my vegetables!

We sat by the water, drank some wine, watched the sunset and just relaxed. What a perfect night!

Land of the Cleve

Last weekend we went to Cleveland to visit a couple of friends, Brian and Eve. As usual, it was a quick trip, but we managed to squeeze in a lot of fun.

We went to an OAR concert.

Grabbed some grub at the Feast of the Assumption in Little Italy. We also listened to a little italian music, complete with the accordian.

Played some bean bags (or cornhole for you Ohio folks).

Scott, Brian and Eve visited Lake View Cemetary, where John D. Rockefeller is buried. I wasn't able to make it, but viewing the pictures, it's not like any other cemetary I've ever been to.

And we had fun with friends!

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Super Scott!

As most of you know, Scott and I are both signed up for the Chicago marathon this year. While we both may be signed up, we both will not be running it. My body seems to not have healed after the first one so I'm sitting it out this year.

But Scott will be running (I'm hoping to join him for a few miles) and raising money for a good cause. Scott will be running for the Livestrong Team. For those of you that don't know, Livestrong is the foundation started by Lance Armstrong to raise awareness of and fight cancer. Scott has a good friend that fought and won the battle against colon cancer and he's always wanted to do something for him. This was his chance.

Scott's hoping to raise $10,000. While his actual commitment is less, Scott has never been one to shy away from a challenge. With all of his business contacts, our friends, and family he should be able to do a lot.

If you'd like to see how he's doing, both with donations, and training, visit him at

I know he'd love to hear from you...he could use all the support he can get!!

Sunday, August 10, 2008


It was so nice to have a weekend with nothing to do. Okay, maybe not nothing, but having no set plans was a welcome treat. We've had so much going on lately that a free weekend was just what we needed.

Here's what a couple days of "nothing" will accomplish:

-2 weeks worth of laundry
-2 home cooked dinners and lunch
-food prepared for a couple weeknight meals
-caught up on blogs (both ours and reading our friends/families)
-2 whole days in a row of exercising
-getting to bed early and sleeping in (gotta love that!)

I would love to have this happen more often, unfortunately (and fortunately) life happens. Maybe this will teach us to take it easy more often. Somehow, I don't think so!

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Another Crazy Weekend

Scott and I headed back home to Chicago this past weekend for another fun filled weekend. We had a friends wedding and then 2 days of Lollapalooza. Both were so much fun!

One of my friends from work got married. The wedding was beautiful, the food was great, and it was so good to catch up with everyone. We literally danced all night long!

While my shoes looked nice, after awhile they just weren't going to work. I forgot to bring my flip flops with so I just danced in my bare feet (sorry Uncle Waco). I did wash my feet as soon as I got home though!

We headed to Lollapalooza on Saturday and Sunday for the music fest. Can you say crowded. There was people everywhere!

We saw some great bands and got some great views of the city.

As usual, our visit wasn't long enough. I'm happy I get to go home again in a few more weeks. And this time I get to stay a little longer.

Good night gone bad...then good again

Scott's birthday was a little over a week ago and it took me forever to think of what to get him for it. But I finally did. I got him tickets to see Coldplay. We were supposed to go awhile ago and see them, but ended up not being able to go so I thought this would be our chance.

The show was last night and we were so excited. We had good seats on the floor and there was a good band opening up. There was one little problem when we got to our seats...someone was already sitting there. Turned out they had the same tickets that we did. Uh oh!

Went to customer service and long story short...our tickets were fake! I bought them off Ebay...something I've done numerous times. They checked with the box office and there weren't any tickets left, but we went there anyway to see if they had any recourse against our fakes.

Somehow they ended up having 2 tickets left...and the seats were even better that the "originals". I was so happy to be able to see the show after all.

I've started the claims process and should be able to get the money back. But guess this is just a lesson learned...