Sunday, November 2, 2008


You know we couldn't let Halloween go by without a little fun...

We went out with some friends at work and we had quite a few laughs. It started with a train ride downtown. I'm sure you can imagine some of the looks we got...

The funny thing was that these guys wore there costumes to work that day...and saw clients!!! I saved Wonder Woman for after work.

If you think this picture is funny, imagine the sumo and ostrich dancing. It was hysterical!

Hope everyone had a Happy Halloween!!


Michelle and Jack said...

Thanks for clarifying. I was just staring at that "thing" Scott was riding...and...wondering..."is that an ostrich???????"

I needed a laugh today. Thanks!

Anonymous said...

I finally just caught up on the blog. The Halloween pictures are really cute. I can't believe they wore those to work. I can't believe you have been in Boston a year either but you two always are finding new things to do and I'm sure you will continue to.

Lv, Aunt Carol