That's where I feel like I'm living right now. Here's what happened...
My boss: "Anyone have any ideas of what I should bring for our breakfast meeting?"
Me: "Chocolate long johns sound good." Mind you, this was a joke.
Every other person in the office: "What's a chocolate long john?"
I was stunned. I had to explain what they were. I got, "oh, you mean an eclair?" No, a donut, but not the same shape. "A crueller?" NO...A LONG JOHN!!
So I had the great idea that I would go pick some up in the morning before our meeting. And guess what happened...
I went to 2 donut shops and they didn't carry them!! They had something called a chocolate stick, but it was so not the same. So I went to work empty handed.
I immediately called Scott and asked him what kind of place did he move me to that they don't know what this is?