Friday, March 27, 2009


The Bump

I swear from week 1-14 you couldn't even tell I was pregnant. I could tell, especially when I had to use a rubber band to hold my pants together, but to a stranger I just looked normal.

Then something happened. Around week 15 nothing fit. My stomach started getting rounder, and bigger, and there was no holding it in. I officially looked pregnant. And might I add, I LOVE IT!

Week 16

Week 17

Scott's just amazed at how quickly my belly has changed. I have to admit, I am too. I know I still have lots of growing to do, but it's fun to see my body change for something as special as this!

Road Trip

My mom came to visit last weekend and we had a blast together! While we stayed local on Friday night, the rest of the time we were on the road!

And as usual, mom came bearing gifts. This time it was chocolate long johns! Those didn't last too long!

We grabbed some dinner together with Scott, and then just hung out at home for the night.

Saturday morning, we dropped Scott off at the airport and were on our way! Our first stop was Freeport, Maine. There they have some great outdoor outlet shopping. One of the stores is the largest LL Bean's practically a compound!

They were celebrating the anniversary of one of their boots so we had to get a picture!

Then we headed to Portland, Maine. We got to the hotel, freshened up, and headed downtown for dinner. On our way out we ran into an interesting group of guys...

Turns out the Harlem Globetrotters were staying at our hotel!! The giggles had officially begun.

After Portland we headed to Portsmouth, New Hampshire for an afternoon. It had a great downtown with all sorts of fun shops and boutiques. I'm definitely going back there in the summer!

We ended our weekend back in Boston doing some more shopping and laughing.

My mom and I had such a great weekend together. I can't wait to do it again!

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

The secret's out!

I think by now everyone knows I'm pregnant. If you don't...surprise! We've been getting a few questions so I thought I might as well post them for everyone to see.

When am I due? September 4th

Are we going to find out what we're having? Nope...keeping this one a surprise.

How have I been feeling? Lately great. Got my energy back and am back to "normal" me.

Any cravings? Not really. More aversions than anything. It's just nice to have food taste good again!

Am I showing? Yes, but not in the cute way (at least yet). I'm kind of in that in between stage where I look like I've put on a few pounds. And I have no idea how many as we don't own a scale! I'll definitely post some pictures when the belly's in full view!

Thanks to everyone for all the well wishes! The next few months (um, I mean years) are going to be a wild ride!!

Sunday, March 8, 2009

Teaser Weekend

We had a spring teaser with the weather this weekend. It was in the 60s on Saturday and the high 50s on Sunday. We had to take full advantage of it!

Saturday we headed to the beach just to get out and see some new scenery. It was beautiful out there...and we weren't the only ones...

Since it's the off season, you're allowed to bring pets to the beach. We definitely had the feeling of not being in Kansas anymore because everyone had their horses out for the day!

It was a pretty cool sight to say the least!

Sunday we spent another couple of hours just walking around town while it was still sunny out. Then we headed home to barbeque...which was a nice treat!

The weather's supposed to turn back to cold soon so we made sure to get it all in while we could. Scott and I can't wait til it stays this way!!

Monday, March 2, 2009

March 1st=Foot of Snow

Usually when I think of March, I think of spring coming, the weather warming up. What I don't think of is snow...and lots of it.

Scott and I woke up yesterday to the snow coming down. And it hasn't stopped yet. So far we have a little over a foot of the white stuff. It was pretty much coming down sideways on my way to work this morning...which is always a fun commute. At least it was a quiet day in the office.

I'm hoping this is the last snow of the season. I don't think I can take much more of it!