Tuesday, March 10, 2009

The secret's out!

I think by now everyone knows I'm pregnant. If you don't...surprise! We've been getting a few questions so I thought I might as well post them for everyone to see.

When am I due? September 4th

Are we going to find out what we're having? Nope...keeping this one a surprise.

How have I been feeling? Lately great. Got my energy back and am back to "normal" me.

Any cravings? Not really. More aversions than anything. It's just nice to have food taste good again!

Am I showing? Yes, but not in the cute way (at least yet). I'm kind of in that in between stage where I look like I've put on a few pounds. And I have no idea how many as we don't own a scale! I'll definitely post some pictures when the belly's in full view!

Thanks to everyone for all the well wishes! The next few months (um, I mean years) are going to be a wild ride!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

WOW! Congratulations! We are so thrilled for the two of you!