Tuesday, September 29, 2009

One Month

I can't believe it, but yesterday Acadia turned a month old. Didn't we just bring her home a few days ago?

She's doing great. Here's a few things that she's been up to...

A rare moment of her sleeping in her crib. At night she sleeps really well in her bassinet, but doesn't like it so much during the day. Let's just say we're working on that one!

She likes to sleep on the couch...

Or on her play mat...

Or even in Mommy and Daddy's bed!

Acadia loves her tummy time...

And her time with her daddy...

And especially loves to be outside!

What was life like before this little one? We don't even remember!

Sunday, September 20, 2009

Acadia's At Home Photo Shoot

Chris and I have been posting machines the past 24 hours. You have to take advantage of any and all free time when you have it (as I'm quickly learning).

We have two new posts below this, but wanted to post some more pictures (double click on the picture below to access). Chris will have to fill everyone in on our first true adventure to the outside world yesterday with Acadia.

Trust everyone is having a good weekend.

Acadia's 1st Home Photo Shoot

Saturday, September 19, 2009

More Grandparents

This week we had another round of grandparents come and visit. Grandpa Lenny and Grandma Lyn made their way out east to come see Acadia...and Scott and me too!

Acadia had no shortage of grandparents that wanted to hold her. She went back and forth between the two of them the whole time they were here!

And there was no shortage of presents!! This girl has more clothes than her mama!

It was great to be able to celebrate my birthday with them too! Acadia even helped blow out the candles!

Now it's just Scott and me. I have to say it was great having all the help the past few weeks! We'll see how this next stage goes!

Friday, September 18, 2009

Best Gift Ever!

While pregnant, I was diligent about taking a picture of my growing belly every week. We actually started this early on, way before I ever began showing. I still need to print out the pictures to put in my journal, but Scott did something even better for me. He surprised me earlier this week with this video he put together.
Needless to say, with my crazy hormones, I sobbed watching this. I just think it's beautiful. Hope you like it too!


Sunday, September 13, 2009

Mama's favorites

Scott's been doing a great job of keeping up with the blog. But now it's my turn to post some of my favorite pictures from the week.

I think I could stare at Acadia forever. I'm biased because I'm her mama, but she's just so cute!

Here's a couple of close ups so you can get my view of our little peanut.

She's not always a fan of tummy time, but this was one time that Acadia was as content as could be. Gotta love the crazy hair too!

Acadia definitely has daddy wrapped around her little finger. Okay...maybe mama too!

Here she is sleeping on mommy's shoulder. I just melt when she's like this.

Acadia's always cute...but when she's sleeping she's as precious as can be!

It's amazing to see how much she's changed in only a few short weeks! We think Acadia's already got a personality all her own. I hope it doesn't always go so fast!!

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Changing of the Guard

This past Sunday there was an official changing over of the grandparents. Chris's mom flew back to Chicago and my folks took over the reins.

We can't thank Mary enough for all her help/support and I have to admit it was hard to see her leave (it wasn't just Chris & Acadia)...but in saying that we can't wait until she returns for a visit.

Before Grandma Mary left she cooked a "Sunday Roast" for our first official family dinner (what a feast). With my parents in town it was great to have a full dining room table.

Before dinner Grandma Vogel got to hold Acadia for the very first time.

After dinner Grandpa Vogel had his turn.....

A lot and a little has happened since the last post. Chris and I are learning more and more about our little girl. One thing I've learned is that even though it is cute when Acadia burps or passes gas....that doesn't mean Daddy's bodily functions are now cute as well. :)

Here are some more pictures that I really like and thought were worth sharing.

When we brought Acadia home from the hospital this was us before entering the house for the first time....what an amazing feeling to bring her home.

Grandma Mary would read to Acadia everyday. Grandma's favorite time with Acadia is when her eyes are wide open. :)

Chris and her mom are alike in many ways and it's fun seeing the two of them with Acadia.

No caption necessary :)

The next two pictures are of Chris being mom....

Our First Walk
Chris and I took Acadia on her first walk Saturday. 3 blocks from our house is the ocean which is a dream come true. It was really special showing Acadia the ocean for the very first time on her first walk. I call her Daddy's little surfer girl now.

Uncle Kirk & Aunt Krupa Visit
One of my best friends and his wife planned a climbing trip out East with the hope of meeting our new arrival.

We came through guys!!!!

It was so great seeing them and having Acadia meet two very special people to us. Uncle Kirk and I have some fun plans for Acadia in the years ahead. :)

Fisher Price "My Little Lamb" Swing
This swing has been billed by all our friends and the Babies-R-Us community as the must have baby product. While it looks almost impossible for a baby to succumb to tears while strapped in this puppy...Acadia proved this theory wrong. The side-to-side action proved too much on the lowest setting. After re-directing the swinging motion...she was a happy customer (picture above).

Future posts won't be so long....here are a couple more pictures. Thanks for all your posts.

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Home Sweet Home

Acadia Night One At Home

Chris and I had our hands full the first night Acadia came home. I got about 2 hours of sleep and Chris was lucky to have secured 45 minutes of shut-eye for herself. I awoke at 6 am to find Chris on the couch with Acadia in hand pasted out with drool on her chin. There was a fort of pillows constructed around Acadia to protect her in the unlikely event she made a break for it.

Night two was a dream compared to the first night. Please keep in mind the bar was set pretty low for improvement. Acadia slept through the night and only got up every 3 hours for a feeding. She made her papa proud. As well, my productivity at work improved.

Chris's mom has been awesome. Our fridge has never been more full as you can see in the above picture. I've gone back to work in an effort to bank my days off when all the support leaves town and we're left to fend for ourselves. While it's tough to be at work, when I get home (because of Mary) I have heaps of time to spend with my daughter (thanks Mary). Looking forward to my folks coming in next week.

Today was Acadia's first doctor's appointment. She would have made any mother proud with her behavior. As well, our pediatrician is awesome and fielded all our "First-time Parent Questions".

Yes, I'm guilty of checking to see if Acadia is still breathing. All first time parents must do this...right? Below is a picture of Chris at the appointment. She looks amazing and is ready to strut her stuff as MOM!

Below are some more pics of the main attraction

I have to end the post with some more burrito pictures.