Sunday, November 15, 2009

My saving grace

I have a new best friend. It's name is the Nap Nanny.

It's basically a supped up version of a wedge that you put in your baby's crib. The difference in this is that it's huge. It's basically the size and shape of a car seat. To see the Nap Nanny in all it's glory, click here.

I bought this at a breaking point a week or so ago. You see, while Acadia's been sleeping at night, most of it was spent with me on the couch. She got a great night's sleep. Me...not so much. A few nights of this combined with her not napping during the day (oh...and did I mention a sick husband?) left me exhausted. She just seemed congested and gassy when I put her on her back. I tried everything to get her to sleep in her bassinet...a humidifier, propping up the top so her head was elevated. Nothing worked.

The Nap Nanny came on Friday and I couldn't wait to use it.

Now let me preface this...this is Acadia's usual schedule:

7:00 pm go to bed
11:00-1:00 get up and eat
1:00-5:00 am she would get up every hour and cry when she was put back to bed. If I was lucky she would sleep for another hour. At this point I would give up and cuddle with her on the couch and she would sleep for hours.

Friday night she got up at 1:00 am to eat. She then slept in her bassinet for another 4 hours after eating. Saturday night she slept until 4:00 am and then slept for another 2 hours after eating!! I wish I got this thing earlier!

So if you know anyone who has a baby who can't sleep...pass this along. Of course, I probably just jinxed myself now that I'm telling you about it!!

Now if she would only nap...


Jill said...

Yea for the Nap Nanny! I wish I would have heard about this a year ago!!

Kate said...

I've never heard of this. I'm SO glad it's helping. I have been wanting to comment on your sleep issues... but our kids really have been pretty good sleepers for the most part. I mean, we've had (and still have) our struggles... but overall we've been pretty lucky. Just know that it DOES get better, if you are consistent and just never give up. :)

Colleen Noble said...

I am glad that this is working. Also, do they make them for grown-ups? I could do some serious sack time in one of those puppies. I have had many nights when Norah would sleep only if I held her. And she liked napping in the held position only for weeks at a time. Like Kate said, it DOES get better, and, someday, we will want nothing more than to snuggle with them.

Auntie Samantha said...

Glad that you found something which is helping.
Being a parent, I think is the toughest job in the world. You and Scott are amazing!!
Happy Thanksgiving to the three of you.