Tuesday, December 15, 2009

So Big!

It's amazing what can happen in two weeks. Since Thanksgiving it seems as if Acadia has gotten so much bigger. Clothes that I never thought would fit now do. I'm trying to put her in something new everyday so she can wear things at least once. I'm sure the poor girl would just like to hang out in her pajamas once in awhile!

She's also more entertaining...both to Scott and me and to herself. She talks (ok babbles) all day long and can play for what seems like hours on her playmat. That means that I'm also able to get a little more done around the house. I love watching her play and talking to her, but really, how much baby talk can one do in a day?

And I think one day soon she's going to roll over. She already rolls from her tummy to her back, but not the other way around. Her new thing though is lifting both her legs up and turning on her side. The problem is that she can't figure out how to get back so she gets stuck. I don't think she likes it that much, but it sure makes us laugh!

Here's the latest and greatest on our little girl...

Chillin' in her bouncy chair.

Having fun on her playmat.

You can't help but smile when she does.

We decorated our tree last weekend (more pictures later of that). But I LOVE this picture that Scott took (particularly because mama wasn't a happy camper that day).

My goal is to get a family shot in front of the tree. That's a little difficult when Acadia goes to bed around 6:30 and Scott gets home at 7:00. Hopefully before I head home Saturday (Yippie!!) we can get one.

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