Sunday, January 17, 2010


Can I vent??? That's kind of a hypothetical question because I'm going to anyway...

Let's start with getting Acadia baptized. Seems pretty easy. You take a class at church, pick a date and go for it. Well, the first time we went to take a class was before Christmas. We got a babysitter-which might I add isn't the easiest when you don't know a lot of people in your area-and headed out one Monday night. All the lights at the church are off. We call. "Oh...that class was cancelled due to..." No problem. We found another church that had classes on the weekend. We went today. We got there...again, all the lights are off. We rang the doorbell of the office. No one again. Seriously??? We're hoping there's another one in the coming weeks as we plan to get Acadia baptized early March. If we were getting her baptized at the same church we took the class this would probably be easier...but oh well. I'm typing this our pipes our banging (we have radiators that need to get looked at), that only adds to my frustration. Someone looked at the heating system last week and said that if left like it is the building could blow up. Nice.

Add to that the usual bit of too much to do, not enough time, blah blah blah...

I guess the real reason I'm stressed about everything is that I go back to work this week. I'm lucky that I only have to go back part time and that we found a great person to look after Acadia while I'm working. But she's not me. I worry if Acadia's going to sleep while she's there. Will her schedule get thrown out the window? Will she even know I'm gone? Do I remember how to use my brain after the past four and a half months? Plus a million other questions I can't even begin to list. I know people do this every day. I'm just sad to have to leave this little face, even if it is only a few days a week.

Wish me luck!


Kate said...

Oooohhhh, good luck. You're in my thoughts! I can't imagine how hard it will be. I'm sure you'll both be fine.

Michelle and Jack said...

You'll both be okay...I PROMISE!

Hang in there, and take it one day at a time. It will get easier. Just make sure you have lots of tissue the first week!

I'll be thinking about you.

Carol said...

Once you get through the first week and get to feel comfortable with the sitter it will get better. Loved the new pictures.

Anonymous said...

Enjoyed the pics. We are now wishing you LUCK. You will be fine. Marsha and Waco