Friday, February 12, 2010

Houston...we have a problem

Since getting the Nap Nanny for Acadia she's been a great sleeper. And I mean great. She sleeps roughly 12 hours a night and can stay and hang out in her crib until I get her breakfast (and my coffee) ready in the morning.

She's been getting pretty mobile the last few weeks though. So mobile that she tries to climb out of the Nap Nappy. Not all the time, but enough to make me realize I'm going to have to start putting her in her crib alone.

I tried this twice. Same results both times. Last night she woke around 3am due to a wet diaper (she must have had a bottle stashed in her crib it was so wet, but that's another story). When I peeked in on her, through the monitor, she was hanging off one side of it. Now, she gets strapped into this contraption and I wrap a blanket around her legs and torso pretty snug so you wouldn't think she could move much. So I went into her room, took her out of the Nap Nanny, moved it out of her crib (yes, I changed her diaper too), and then put her directly in the crib. About an hour later she was still awake, rolling around, playing, and otherwise keeping me awake. Then the crying began. I knew she was tired so I went back in and put everything back in the crib. Within seconds (literally) she was out.

So now what do I do??? I think I'm going to have to start putting her in her crib alone and just let her figure it out and cry. Kind of hard right now though as we're heading home this weekend. Hopefully she can stay put for just a few more days!


Hunsche Family said...

Hi there,
Here's one suggestion (take it or leave it:)...let her go to sleep in the Nap Nanny and then once you're sure she's pretty asleep, remove her from it and take it out of the crib. Eventually she'll wake and cry, etc. and you can let her cry it out but she'll also get used to sleeping without being in it:) Good luck - keep us posted!

Carol said...

Wow! Wonder why she wants to climb!

Kristin said...

It sounds like a cry-it-out situation. A definite adjustment for both parties, but she will come around. Let us know how it goes...good luck.