Saturday, February 6, 2010

The past week

The past week for us here has been a little crazy.

It started last Friday when we got not one, but multiple viruses on the computer. I logged onto a website that I found in Fit Pregnancy magazine and that was the end of it. The viruses started eating away at everything on our main computer. Luckily we have most thing saved on an external hard drive and Scott was able to get what wasn't saved on that downloaded. So for now I'm using my laptop (which I forgot how much I liked). But I can't find the cord to my camera, so for now you're getting pictureless posts :)

Saturday we gave Acadia cereal for the first time. She was a little confused with it, but I'm happy to report she's now eating it like a champ. We even gave her some pears a few days later and loved those too! Slowly we'll be adding a few more new treats each week to get Acadia used to different tastes. We just need to teach her that you can't talk while eating. It makes it difficult for the food to stay in your mouth.

Acadia's been doing great while I'm off at work. The only issue is that she doesn't get her little late afternoon nap in. You wouldn't think a 20 minute catnap would make that much of a difference. But it sure does. Every day I pick her up she's got big tears rolling down her face and her eyes are all red and droopy. I race to get her home, fed, and put to bed as soon as I can, but it never seems early enough. Because of this, Acadia's been waking up earlier and earlier. Like 4:00 in the morning earlier. On Thursday I finally got her to go back to sleep around 6:15 or so, only to have to wake her up to take her to daycare. I'm sure once she gets more used to things, it will all work out though.

And I think Acadia's started teething. While no teeth have made their appearance yet, Acadia is full of drool and boogers...and she's not sick. Scott goes to Costa Rica this week for work, and I'm just hoping this isn't going to be the week that all that starts. But if it is, it is.

So let's just say I'm happy it's the weekend. The plan is to stay in, relax and have all of us get some sleep. Hopefully that will happen.


Colleen Noble said...

whew! everything happens at once...isn't feeding fun? feeding norah is one of the best times in my day.
have a relaxing weekend!

Anonymous said...

you kid look so cute