Sunday, February 28, 2010

Sleep Update

Since posting about Acadia being too mobile for her Nap Nanny, she seemed to get a little better in it.

But she had her 6 month check up on Friday and I talked to her pediatrician about her sleeping. He said that now that she's mobile she should be put in her crib so she can find a position that she's comfortable in. If she's buckled in, she can't do that.

So Friday night was the first attempt. I did the usual bedtime routine and then put her in her crib. She was asleep in minutes and slept the whole night through. Sure she woke up once or twice, but she does that normally and she was able to put herself back to sleep.
Same thing happened Saturday for her morning nap. I thought to myself..."I was worried about nothing".

Then came her afternoon nap. Acadia tossed and turned and fussed for almost an hour before falling asleep. And instead of sleeping for her usual 2 hours, she slept for less than 1. Luckily, she took another short nap later in the day, but you could tell she was exhausted.

It took her a while to fall asleep last night, and after 3 hours of sleeping she woke up scared and crying. Don't think she's used to so much room. But after getting her pacifier back, she again slept the whole night through.

Today her naps have been short to say the least. 30 minutes each and it took her at least that long to fall asleep. I'm thinking it must have been the four shots she got on Friday that tuckered her out!

I really want to just put her back in the Nap Nanny to sleep, but I figure we're already committed and going back will only put off the inevitable. I'm keeping my fingers crossed that a couple more days will put her right back on track.


Carol said...

I don't know who is happier in those picture of Scott and Acadia either. Loved all the pictures and Grandma Mary is going to be jealous of all of Acadia's cute hats.

Kristin said...

I've definitely been there! Its a difficult balance between what is best and what is easiest for your baby. For example, I didn't do tummy-time with Allison as much as needed b/c she hated it - As a result, she had difficulties sitting up. It's hard to put them through something they are uncomfortable with :( Just stick with it are doing a great job!