Thursday, April 29, 2010

Acadia and I headed home for a few days this past week to enjoy some family time. If you can believe it, this was Acadia's sixth flight! She's quite the traveler and I'm happy to report she was a great flier once again.

We got home on Saturday and I headed to my cousin Sara's baby shower while Grandma Lyn watched Acadia. I thought she'd be tired from the flight, but no. Acadia didn't nap all afternoon and somehow she was still a happy girl!

Sunday we met up with Tim, Dana and Ellie (along with Grandma Mary and Dana's parents) for the March of Dimes walk. The weather was perfect, at least during the walk. Then after we all headed to Tim & Dana's to hang out.

While we were there something big happened...Acadia said her first word! I was lucky enough to catch it on video, so I'll post that soon, but she clearly said dada. While it wasn't my first choice of things for her to say I'm so excited. Now we'll start working on mama!

Here's some fun pics from the week...

Miss Ellie looking super cute as always.
We had so much fun playing turtles and dinosaurs and reading.
She's getting so big!

And speaking of big, check out Keaton!
He's almost 6 months and has really grown since the last time I saw him.

Keaton and Acadia are about exactly the same size.
It was so cute to watch them play together.

Keaton was very good about sharing his toys with Acadia.
I think he's learning from his big sister.

In just over a month we're heading to North Carolina for a family vacation with everyone. I can't wait! Can't wait to see you all again soon!


Carol said...

Love the naked baby pictures. Glad you had such a great visit and got to hang out with Dana and the kids.

Auntie Sammie :) said...

Congratulations Mom and Dad on your little angels first word! :) Acadia's newest pictures are just so adorable, especially "tushy time" (LOL) I just want to give her big hugs and kisses. What a miracle she is. I am very glad that Chris and Acadia spent time in Chicago with everyone. It is very nice that the three of you will be headed to North Carolina soon for a family vacation. The three of you are just amazing!

Love Always,

Your Auntie Sammie :)