Thursday, May 20, 2010

EcoMom and Me

For those of you that know me, you know I'm a little...let's call it crunchy. You know, earthy, maybe a little bit of a hippie. You know what I mean. Scott and I did name our daughter after a national park after all!

Well, there's a website that I've been checking out that is perfect for me...Ecomom. If you haven't checked it out, you can here. They have all sorts of things from baby food to high chairs to green products for your home.

Well, they were looking for moms with blogs to do product reviews. I jumped on that immediately. I told them a little about myself and what I'm into and they sent some stuff out.

I anxiously awaited the arrival of my goodies...what would they be? I came home everyday checking the mail and when it got here I was like a kid on Christmas morning. I tore open the package as quick as I could. Inside I found packages of Plum Organics Baby and Plum Organics Tots.

Now, I try to make most of Acadia's food, but let's face it, I can't do everything. There's this little thing called sleep I like to get once in awhile. So I like to have options. For those times that I don't have any made, or if I'm traveling, or just want to try something new, this seemed like a perfect fix.

There were six packages and the flavors sounded great. We (yes, both Acadia and I) tried all of them. Pear and mango, pumpkin and banana, spinach peas and pear, and sweet potato corn and apple were from Plum Organics Baby. Plum Organics Tots consisted of strawberry mish mash and peach mish mash. They were all 100% fruit and/or veggies which was great to see!

We tried the Strawberry Mish Mash first. Yum is all I can say! I actually thought of using some of it to top my oatmeal with it was so good.
Next on the list was spinach, peas, and pear. While this one wasn't my favorite, Acadia ate it up, and since she's the one it was intended for I'd say I'd buy it again.
We gradually made our way through all the flavors, and Acadia loved them all. My only complaint is that they don't come in a recyclable container. Other than that, they're great!


Now here comes the fun part for you...EcoMom is giving away $20 worth of Plum and/or Revolution Foods to one of you reading this blog!
Here's how it's going to work. From now until June 15th you can leave a comment on the blog (one per person please). On June 15th I'll choose, at random, one of you to receive the giveaway.

Another great thing EcoMom is doing...from now until June 30th you can use the code SBBL350 to receive a 15% discount off your first order. You can also get 15% every order if you purchase the EcoPass. It costs $99 a year and will get you the above described discount, PLUS free shipping on every order.

There's a couple ways to check out EcoMom and Plum Organics:

1. Follow Jody (the CEO and Co-Founder) on Twitter.
2. Become a fan of EcoMom on Facebook.
3. Check out the EcoMom website.
4. Join the EcoMom newsletter

(Please note: I received these products to test and give feedback. I was not paid in any way by EcoMom).


Anonymous said...

I'm going to go to Babies R Us and stock up on my Plum Organics this week! Keaton really likes them!

LibraryChristi said...

I <3 Plum Organics! Autumn loves the pear mango and I just picked up some of the pumpkin banana.

Do you know if EcoMom is still looking for reviewers? I saw their site awhile back and love what they have.

Becky Graziano said...

My mouth is watering....yum. Oh, wait, this is for the baby? Ha! I keep meaning to pick some up for Lia ever since we talked about it. Love the blog, you "crunchy mama" you!

Becky Graziano said...

So...who was the lucky winner?! :) I bought some last week and Lia LOVES it. I love it too because she practically feeds herself. ;) Miss you!