Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Vacation in a Nutshell

We spent last week at Top Sail Beach in North Carolina. I think I could have stayed there forever.

Our view from the porch. Yes, we were right on the water.

Acadia loved the beach. She was so good playing in the sand. She didn't even try to eat it!

Outside, where we ate most of our meals.

Keaton and Acadia having fun together. You'd never guess
they're two months apart!

Unfortunately all that playing together on the floor got them both sick.
Here's Acadia with a washcloth on her head to keep her cool. This was the only place we
could get her to sleep. Somehow, Scott didn't mind.

Before she got sick though, she lived up to the name of Daddy's little surfer girl!

But she's still mommy's girl too!

It was great hanging out with Tim and Dana and having time just to relax.
We got some great family shots even with two sick kids!

No, Acadia's not walking yet. But she sure looks close!

Ellie and Keaton were so cute the whole time. You might even think they like each other!

And Grandma, of course, had a great time hanging out with her grandkids.


Unknown said...

Your pictures are great! I am now following you! You can follow me at

Beki :-)

Samantha said...

I hope everyone feels better very soon. Wonderful pics from your vacation.

Love Ya,

Auntie Sammie :)

Unknown said...

Your cute little family makes me happy :) So glad vacation was awesome. I need to come up and see Acadia ASAP!