Friday, November 12, 2010

Halloween and Nashville and New York, Oh My!

It's been a busy few weeks here. It seems like forever ago, but it all started with Halloween. My mom flew in and we had a fun filled weekend. Acadia got to play with Grandma Mary and Scott and I got to get a night out.

Acadia was an elephant and I don't think she even knew she had a costume on.

She was so happy playing around and keeping nice and toasty.

Isn't she the cutest little elephant?

After that I was off to Nashville for a few days for work. I was a little nervous since it was my first time away from Acadia for a night (actually for three). But I'm happy to report that both she and I fared well. Scott did a great job on Daddy duty...though I think he was extra happy to have me home!

Then we were off to the races! We loaded up the car and took a road trip to New York. Scott ran the NY marathon last weekend and did great! Acadia was so proud of her daddy and had a lot of fun cheering him on.

We're all looking forward to a quiet weekend at home this weekend so we can catch up on some much needed rest!

1 comment:

Colleen Noble said...

cutest elephant ever....and congrats to Scott! (For the marathon, AND for being without Mommy for three nights! I wonder which was harder?)