Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Two active children

I now have two very active children in my life...the toddler who is into everything and this baby inside me!

Acadia starts the moment she wakes up. Most toddlers have some milk when they get up. Not her! As soon as I get Acadia out of her crib (which, might I add is getting tricky), she starts pointing. The first couple times she did this I walked around the house with her trying to figure out what she wanted. Now I's food. Acadia knows which cabinet her snacks are in and when she wakes up, she wants them. So I walk her over to the kitchen, she opens up the cabinet and chooses what she wants. Luckily everything is pretty healthy, though she does seem to have an addiction to Trader Joe's snickerdoodle cookies.

Then she's off to the toys. Toys in the family room, toys in her room. Books, blocks, dolls, she likes them all. It's rare that we get through a whole book with her. We'll read a couple of pages then it's off to the next one. I'm trying to teach her how to put things back before you pick something else up. Yeah, it's not working all that well.

And this baby...boy is he/she an active little thing. At 22 weeks I think I'm already having contractions. No, not those kind of contractions. These are the kind that just cause a little tightness. I remember having them with Acadia, but not until I was further along. Between all the tightness and moving around I pretty much spend most of my day back and forth to the bathroom. Hey, I have to get exercise somehow.

Monday, December 27, 2010

Is it really over?

After a fun filled week back in Chicago, we're all back in Boston safe and sound. We had such a great time, but as ususal it always goes by too quickly.

Acadia was a trooper being shuffled around. We made the rounds and took turns staying at my mom's, dad's, and Tim & Dana's. I think we were all exhausted after all of it, but it was so much fun seeing everyone!

During the week we celebrated Christmas about four times. Acadia definitely made out well. Here she is in her Chrismas jammies with one of her new favorite toys.

We also made a trip to see the new winery. The kids loved having all the free space to roam around in. Oh, and they liked the forklift too! And Acadia sure loves her Uncle Tim! Any time she saw him she ran up and wanted him to pick her up. It was pretty cute to see.

We were lucky enough to make it back before the giant snow storm hit. We flew in on Sunday morning and by the time we got to the airport there were more flights cancelled than not. Scott's work was even called off on Monday! We took full advantage of it and brought Acadia out in the snow. It was her first time and she loved it, so much so that she didn't want to go back inside!

Sunday, December 12, 2010

Where did November go?

I think every year at this time, I wonder where the past few weeks have gone. Somehow, it's mid December and we're in full Christmas season. Don't get me wrong, I love Christmas. It just always sneaks up on me.

We a great Thanksgiving in Oxford with Scott's family. Acadia had a lot of fun with Grandma and Grandpa Vogel (I think they had fun too).

And like most of us, Acadia managed to eat her way through the day.

Since we aren't going to be in Boston long before heading to Chicago, we made sure to get our tree as soon as we got home. Acadia loved helping with all the decorations. It's been really fun to see her get into things this year.

I think there's lots more to post, but for now this is it!