Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Rylan Update

The latest update is Rylan is hopefully coming home tomorrow (Thursday). He currently has a touch of jaundice and once his billirubin levels are at acceptable levels he can come home. On Monday, Mary (Chris's mom) and I switched support roles. I'm at home with Acadia and she's at the hospital with Chris. Based on Rylan being premature and the jaundice -- Chris has to nurse every 2-3 hours. Needless to say neither Chris or Mary are getting much sleep. Acadia and I have been busy getting the house in shape for the homecoming. We look forward to the normal chaos of having two little ones at home. Below are some pictures to share: Why does Rylan look like Hans Solo frozen in carbonite? Rylan is being treated with a special light that helps rid the body of the bilirubin by altering it or making it easier for your baby's liver to get rid of it. Acadia meets Rylan for the first time:

Grandma Mary with her grandchildren. As a side note, we can't begin to thank Mary for all her help. We are thankful she's been here. First family picture: Can't wait to get Rylan and Chris home, I miss them a lot

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