Friday, May 20, 2011

Big girl with a big boo boo

Let's just say this week didn't start off so well.

After Scott left for work on Monday, I decided to make a nice breakfast for Acadia. While I was making pancakes, she played in the kitchen (nothing new there). She was running around and fell (again, nothing new). I knew she was going to cry because of the loud thud, so I quickly picked her up to give her a hug. When I pulled her head up to take a look, that's when I realized that this wasn't just a bump. Somehow, when Acadia fell, her forehead hit the radiator. It split wide open and I knew she was going to need stitches.

I loaded both kids into the car, called Scott, and headed to the Emergency room. Scott stayed with Acadia during the stitches, while I was a few doors down with Rylan (they didn't want him in the room during all of it). That was tough hearing my little girl cry (or scream) and not being able to do anything about it. Thankfully, after the first shot to numb her forehead, she did really well. The nurses even thought she might fall asleep during it!

Acadia ended up getting about 5 stitches that come out tomorrow. Hopefully she won't have too much of a scar but only time will tell.

Funny though, you'd never know that Acadia hurt herself by her actions. By the time we got home, she was running around like nothing happened. Now she just makes us extra nervous!

1 comment:

samantha3 said...

Big hugs and kisses from your Auntie Sammie Acadia!!

I am so very glad that you are feeling better!!

You are a very brave big girl and I am so very proud of you!!

Love You Always!! :)