Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Poor baby

Rylan had a rough time this past week.

This is him on any normal day:

This is what he did all week:

He had a fever and was really tired but that seemed to be it.

Then, just when we thought he was getting better he spiked another fever. Not only that but he got this weird rash that came out of nowhere. So we took him to the doctor. Because of the rash the doc wanted to run some tests so we went to the lab and the little guy got poked.

Fast forward to later that day(Saturday). The doctor called and some of his blood work came back abnormal. He wasn't sure why so he called the pediatric rheumatologist (Rylan's rash was on his joints) who suggested we head to the ER.

So we dropped Acadia off with the sitter and headed downton Boston to Mass General where they have a pediatric ER. This is where the real "fun" began. They ran more blood work, gave Rylan an ultrasound, and even had to give him a catheter so they could run a urine culture. Rylan was a trooper for all of it.

No one could figure out the rash so they admitted him for observation. As a parent it's tough to see your child sick. But to see them sick and have multiple doctors tell you they don't know what it is is kind of scary.

They started Rylan on antibiotics just before we left the ER as a kind of precautionary measure.

On Sunday we learned that Rylan's urine came back with bacteria in it. Basically that means that he has a urinary tract infection. His counts still didn't make sense with that diagnosis, but he seemed to be getting better with the antibiotics so we kind of just let it go.

Rylan was starting to smile and play again and even enjoy chilling in his hospital crib.

Since he was doing better, they let us go home yesterday. Rylan was able to get his IV out so he's just getting regular antibiotics now. And we really don't know what was wrong. The answer we got was this...Rylan had a virus earlier in the week and got better. He must have just had some bad luck this week and then got hit with the bacteria infection.
Once he's better, we'll be getting his blood work tested again. If it's normal, we have nothing to worry about. If it isn't, then we'll have to do some more tests to see what the real culprit is.
For now though, we're just enjoying having our little boy back smiling.


Samantha said...

Thinking of you all! Big hugs and kisses!

Love Always,

Auntie Sammie :)

LibraryChristi said...

So scary! I'm sorry you guys had to go through that. But, I'm glad he's getting better. And hopefully the new blood work will come back normal.