Wednesday, February 29, 2012

My girl

Acadia is such a tomboy. You can usually find her in a hoodie and on a good day pants. Lately though she lets me put bows in her hair and dress up a little more. Yesterday I found her wearing my shoes around the house. I don't know what's better, the shoes or the hat!

Tuesday, February 28, 2012


I think I jinxed us by posting that both kids were healthy and I didn't get hit with anything. Since then, I came down with a bad cold that, of course, turned into a sinus infection. After a week of trying to suffer through it, I finally went to the doctor and after two visits I was able to get some antibiotics. While I am feeling better, I think it's going to take a few more days for this cold to run it's course.

And while it's nothing compared to the last round, both Rylan and Acadia got hit with another cold. Acadia's really isn't that bad, but poor Rylan has a terrible cough. No fevers as of yet, so I'm keeping my fingers crossed that it really is just a cold and this is the last of the trips to the doctor.

Scott figured out that since January 31st, someone in our house has been sick. Let's hope that with the end of February comes the end of our infestion of germs.

Friday, February 17, 2012

Two healthy kids

It's been a long couple of weeks but thankfully everyone is back to their healthy selves!

Acadia started out with walking pneumonia and Rylan had a bad cold. After a few days they both got worse and it turned into bronchialitis for Rylan and Acadia got a terrible ear infection. What made matters worse is that Scott had the flu at the beginning of all of this then got a bad sinus infection. Somehow I managed to bypass all of this sickness and just get a little cold (though I'm still crossing my fingers).

Now that everyone is better we're back to smiles and playing. Acadia felt so good she even let Rylan play next to her!

Thursday, February 2, 2012


Yesterday I stayed home with the kids because Acadia was sick. Today I'm home because they both are. As the day went in he just went downhill and by bedtime both kids were throwing up. Thankfully they both seem better today and I'm hoping the worst is past us.
Looking at Rylan he doesn't seem too sick. He's even having fun in his jumperoo (see the picture from the last post).
Acadia has definitely slowed down. Here's what she did all day yesterday.

Wednesday, February 1, 2012


Guess who's 10 months today?