Monday, April 30, 2012

Weekend fun

We didn't do too much this weekend, but somehow still managed to squeeze in a little fun.

Sunday, April 22, 2012

Trip home

Finally...I've downloaded pictures from our trip back to Chicago last month.  I didn't realize it took such a long time until I looked at the pictures and realized Rylan doesn't fit in anything you see in them!

To say it was a great time is an understatement.  It was wonderful to be able to spend two whole weekss at home and actually have time to see family and friends.  It's always hard to leave, but given the long stay, it was especially hard this time.

I took so many pictures that there's no way I can post all of them.  But here's a small preview of all the fun we had.

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Family Bike Ride

Sunday was a beautiful day so we decided to go on our first family bike ride. After Rylan's nap, we loaded the kids in the trailer and took off for the beach. It was their first time in the trailer together and I don't think Acadia was crazy about Rylan invading her space.
But they both did really well together (at least on the way there).
Scott and Acadia hung out by the water.
While Rylan and I enjoyed the grass.
Acadia was okay on the way home. Rylan, not so much. I think he was tired and Acadia kept stealing his toy. We tried giving him her toy, but then she wanted both (yeah, she's acting her age). Thankfully it was a short ride and once we got home both kids took super long naps. We'll have to try that again soon!


Pictures finally!!

Easter was quiet here. It was just us and we really took it easy after being out of town. I would say we relaxed, but after thinking about it, relax was definitely not what we did. We went to church in the morning, but had to leave because the kids were out of control. Not like, just not wanting to be there, but crazy. Acadia was climbing the stairs. Rylan wanted no part of either sitting or being held. I even brought extra snacks thinking ahead, but after the first 5 minutes those were gone. To our defense though, after being there for an hour we didn't even have communion yet. What adult more or less kid can sit still for that long?

So we went home, had lunch, and after lunch had an Easter egg hunt for Acadia. I'll have to post the video later, but to say she had fun is an understatement. She didn't even care what was inside of the eggs, she just liked looking for them.

Scott kept the kids busy while I got dinner together. We had the traditional ham dinner. Nothing like an eight pound ham for 3.5 people! We decided next year we're doing something different if it's just us.

The pictures aren't the best, but they're the best from the day. Oh, and Acadia did wear a dress on Easter. Somehow we didn't get a picture of it. Thankfully we got professional pictures taken the day before so I do have proof that she can wear one!

Monday, April 16, 2012

I'm a bad blogger

I've been meaning to post for the past few weeks now. For o One reason or another though, it just hasn't happened. I have a ton of pictures from our trip to Chicago, Easter, and other random days that I want to share. I think one reason is that most of the pictures are on my phone. While I love that I always have my phone to take pictures if I don't have a camera, I'm not crazy about the Blogger App to post them. And while I can download to the computer and then post, I haven't linked up my phone yet to do that. Scott and I took the kids for a bike ride yesterday and got some great pictures on our regular camera. I was planning on posting those in the meantime, but now our card reader isn't working. Hopefully I can figure that out and get pictures posted later today. Stay tuned...