Monday, December 10, 2012

Baking & Memories

Today was a special day that brought back a lot of memories.  Today Acadia made pizzelles with me for the first time.  Not only did she make them with me, but she made them using the same pizzelle maker and standing on the same stool that I used when I was little.

I even did the little song and dance that Grandma and I used to do while we were waiting for the cookies to cook.  Acadia seemed to like it.

Rylan was super cranky this morning so I had to hold him the entire time we baked (I don't remember Grandma having to do this!)  He wasn't crazy about the baking, but enjoyed the finished product!

Normally when I bake, I convert the recipe to gluten free.  I couldn't do it with this one.  I had to make it just like Grandma and I used to.  They turned out great...which was good and bad.  Good because they turned out.  Bad because I then proceeded to eat way too many of them!
I'm hoping to do some more baking this week but I don't think I'll enjoy it as much as this.

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