Sunday, March 17, 2013

Phonto overload

Since it's been a while since I posted any pictures you're getting a lot of them. Life has been fun and crazy and busy and I just haven't gotten to the blog. We've been up to a lot and a lot of nothing but here's some fun pics from the past month.

Acadia is finally done with her mimi!!
This was huge! We were trying to move things along, but she wanted nothing to do with getting rid of it. One day I pulled up Build a Bear on the iPad and had her look for something she liked. She found a bunny and immediately wanted it. I told her that meant she was finished with her mimi and it was going in the bunny's tummy. She was fine with it and wanted to go NOW! I think it hit her at bedtime what it really meant, but overall she did great with the transition. There were a few rough nights, but now she's back to sleeping really well.

Rylan also gave up his mimi, but in a very different way

Poor guy got hand, foot and mouth disease and he was down for the count for a few days. It was pretty bad but thankfully it didn't last too long. Because his throat hurt so bad, he didn't want his pacifier. I figured it was just a phase and he would go back to it when he got better. Nope. His throat must have really hurt because he didn't want it back. Similar to Acadia, he had a rough couple of days of sleep, but he's pretty much back to normal now.

Acadia had a Pancake and Pajama party at school for Valentine's day and Rylan and I tagged along to help out. Acadia was super cute showing Rylan off to all her friends making sure everyone knew who he was :)

Then there was the kids project at Home Depot. This time they both got in on the action. They made cars and a wooden track was set up to race the cars afterward. It was pretty cute seeing Rylan wait his turn.

Oh and potty training. While we haven't officially started anything with Rylan, he's been pretty interested in sitting on the potty. I kind of have no idea what to do as far as this goes, but I figure we'll start here and see what happens

This is one of my favorite pictures of little tree hugger.
Shortly after this picture was taken we had to leave to get Acadia from school. Rylan wasn't happy about it so when I picked him up he slapped me across the face. Maybe he's not so sweet and innocent :(

Last week we had a few days of nice weather so I took the kids outside to burn off some energy. Acadia rode her bike from Grandma and Grandpa Vogel and Rylan was on Acadia's scooter. They were having so much fun and all Rylan wanted to do was be like his big sister.

That is, until he fell...or as they say in New England he took a digger.
His poor nose and forehead got pretty banged up but thankfully he's healing nicely and almost back to his super cute self.

That brings us to this morning. Every Sunday we have pancakes and we've been trying to mix it up a bit. Going with the St. Patrick's Day theme today we had green shamrocks. The kids loved them!

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