Monday, January 28, 2008

Home Sweet Home

I went home this weekend to see the fam and some friends and even though it was a quick visit, it was a lot of fun! We went shopping for wedding decorations, had lunch at Cooper's Hawk, and as you can see from these pictures, had a lot of laughs!

I've been craving good mexican food lately since Boston doesn't seem to really have any. So it was nice when Dana suggested a nearby mexican restaurant that they like. As you can see, Ellie and Grandma liked it too!

I think all kids look adorable in the bathtub, but Ellie was super cute! I didn't think everyone needed to see the 10 pictures I took of her splishin and splashin around, but I couldn't resist posting this one. Bath time is her favorite time as you can see!

Sunday morning Mom, Dana, Ellie and me headed to the mall to look for dresses for all the girls. We left with a book for Ellie, makeup for me and a few other odds and ends. Obviously no dresses. But when we got home and searched the internet, we were able to find a dress for both Dana and Ellie. And they're both beautiful!

Everything we did was fun over the weekend, but I think the best part was all of us sitting in our pjs on Sunday morning, just relaxing. I have such a good time watching Tim, Dana and Ellie interact together. They are an adorable little family. Watching them really makes me realize what's important in life.

All in all it was a fun and productive weekend. We really got a lot of things done for the wedding. I'm realizing that time's flying by and May 31st is right around the corner. And that's fine by me.

Sunday, January 20, 2008

Are you ready for some football??

No, I haven't sold out and become a Patriots fan. But I did get to go to the AFC Championship game for free! Through work, I was able to attend the game with co-workers and clients. And it was a lot of fun.

We got to the game early to tailgate. And this wasn't your average, outdoor bbq tailgate. We spent the two hours up to the game inside the Patriots practice bubble. Perfect day for it too since it was about 5 degrees here. There were drinks and food, but the best part had to be the short line at the bathroom. Given the ratio of men to women at the event, the line to the men's room was out the door...but not to the women's!

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It was cold, and it was long, but in the end it was a lot of fun. I don't know who we're playing against yet in the Superbowl, but I can guarantee this place is going to be crazy!

Sunday, January 13, 2008


OK...I admit it. I was a little crabby when I wrote my last post. It was a long day, a long week, and I still haven't really adjusted to life out east.
How hard can living in Boston be, you ask? Here's just a few things that are different out here:

1. People. They're not mean, they're just edgy...and no I don't mean in their fashion sense. I'm used to people saying hello when you walk down the street. Not here.

2. The weather. Boston gets more rain than Seattle. Which means the sun doesn't come out as much. It's gray and dreary a lot on this side of the world.

3. Driving. I drove for my first time here last weekend. While I made it where I was going, it was all thanks to GPS (Thanks again Bob & Mary). I had directions, but of course there weren't any street signs to know where I was supposed to turn. Guess you get spoiled living in the same place your whole life.

4. Prices. Everything is more expensive here: groceries, gas, clothes. The bonus is tax is less but I'm still not convinced that it equals out.

But it's getting better...

Since Scott and I haven't really ventured outside our neighborhood too much, we decided to check it out yesterday while it was warm AND sunny. And we found a few fun things...

-a running store right down the street
-a shoe store with reasonable prices (at least on sale)
-a ton of cool book stores
-about 5 bike shops
-Ben & Jerry's
-a bunch of cool looking restaurants

And we even tried a new restaurant last night.

So what does this all mean? I guess it means I need to venture out. I might not be comfortable with it all here yet, but there's lots of things to do both indoors and out. And I have a great person to do it all with!
Oh...and maybe I need to take a few deep breaths once in a while!

Friday, January 11, 2008

Boys will be boys...part 2

I had one rule when Scott asked about having his own room...keep it clean. This is what I came home to today...

Don't get me started on the rest of the place!

Thursday, January 3, 2008

Chef Scott

Scott and I have a deal that works pretty well...I cook, he cleans up. Works for me. I must have been good this week. He came home,donned the apron, cooked me dinner AND did the dishes.

Sorry girls...he's all mine :)

Happy (?) New Year!

Scott and I planned on having just a few friends from work over on New Year's Eve. You know the story, you invite a couple, they invite a couple...we ended up having about 11 people over. Good thing too because we had enough food and drinks for an army. Can you see the giant tub of cheese balls in the picture???

We were all having fun. I was even able to make it past midnight. Actually I was up til about 3:30!! I guess time really does fly when you're having fun!

Guess I had too much fun. This is what I did all day on Tuesday! That's what the day off is for though, right?

You know you're out east when...

You can get a bag of mussels for $3.99!! And there's about a hundred of them in the bag! Yes, it's the little things that excite me...but wouldn't you be excited for that too!

I obviously had better things to do than take a picture (like eat!), but Scott had to have proof of our feast!