Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Super Scott!

As most of you know, Scott and I are both signed up for the Chicago marathon this year. While we both may be signed up, we both will not be running it. My body seems to not have healed after the first one so I'm sitting it out this year.

But Scott will be running (I'm hoping to join him for a few miles) and raising money for a good cause. Scott will be running for the Livestrong Team. For those of you that don't know, Livestrong is the foundation started by Lance Armstrong to raise awareness of and fight cancer. Scott has a good friend that fought and won the battle against colon cancer and he's always wanted to do something for him. This was his chance.

Scott's hoping to raise $10,000. While his actual commitment is less, Scott has never been one to shy away from a challenge. With all of his business contacts, our friends, and family he should be able to do a lot.

If you'd like to see how he's doing, both with donations, and training, visit him at

I know he'd love to hear from you...he could use all the support he can get!!


Anonymous said...

Great cause...great start! We'll be there cheering you on! XO Mary

Anonymous said...


Keep up the good work. Hope you reach the $25,000.00 mark and the end of the race. Also, hope we can put an end to cancer.
