Sunday, August 10, 2008


It was so nice to have a weekend with nothing to do. Okay, maybe not nothing, but having no set plans was a welcome treat. We've had so much going on lately that a free weekend was just what we needed.

Here's what a couple days of "nothing" will accomplish:

-2 weeks worth of laundry
-2 home cooked dinners and lunch
-food prepared for a couple weeknight meals
-caught up on blogs (both ours and reading our friends/families)
-2 whole days in a row of exercising
-getting to bed early and sleeping in (gotta love that!)

I would love to have this happen more often, unfortunately (and fortunately) life happens. Maybe this will teach us to take it easy more often. Somehow, I don't think so!


Anonymous said...

Sounds like a busy nothing!!

Michelle and Jack said...

This was actually our "nothing" weekend, too. And I was looking forward to doing all the things you listed (minus the exercise).

Guess what?

Murphy's Law. I gained a fever-striken toddler...not fun...and not a second to spare.

What's my lesson?

A dirty house with only a few clean clothes to spare is a good thing? I don't think so.

Anonymous said...

You are too funny!