Tuesday, January 6, 2009

New Year's in Vermont

Scott and I spent a few days over New Year's in Burlington, Vermont. Burlington is this little chill, earthy town that's a lot of fun.

We headed out on Wednesday, just after the snow went through. To say it was cold is an understatement. These next 2 pics are the dashboard in the truck.

In case you don't see it, that's a negative sign before the 2! And that doesn't include the windchill.

We hit a local bar on New Year's Eve and at midnight watched some fireworks. I was so cold I watched them from inside...hence no pictures.

The next couple of days we just walked around town...ran into this cool snow sculpture.

And then Scott went skiing.

And who can go to Vermont without hitting up the Ben & Jerry's factory? Not us!

Hope you all had as good of a New Year's as we did. Happy 2009!

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