Monday, June 15, 2009

I passed....kind of

Friday marked my 28th week and with that I had my monthly doctor's appointment. Along with the usual stuff, I also had to get a gestational diabetes screening. I've heard and read some horror stories about this test. But it wasn't too bad. I did have a huge sugar crash about an hour after it and a raging headache the rest of the day, but all in all it wasn't too bad.
I was told I'd get a call only if the test came back positive. I wasn't expecting one.

Fast forward to today...

My phone rang early in the morning, "Hi, this is so and so from your doctor's office"...what??? Turns out my blood sugar is fine, but I'm anemic. that why I've been so tired, I asked. While it could be, especially since meat is the last thing I want to eat right now, it's probably just because (shocker) I'm 7 months pregnant! Guess I'll just take some extra iron right now then.

As far as updates go...

I've gained 4 more pounds which brings me to 18 total.
My belly is measuring 28.5 inches which is right in line with how many weeks I am.

12 more weeks until Baby Vogel is scheduled to arrive!!


Michelle and Jack said...

You Brat...18 pounds with only 12 weeks to go.

I wish! Try an 18 pound gain in the FIRST 12 weeks!

:) Love you!

Kate said...

Thanks for the update! I've been wondering about you. That test is no fun. I've always been on the anemic side too... especially during pregnancy. Best wishes!
p.s. Post pictures!

Colleen Noble said...

Wow! Only 12 more weeks. Time flies! I also had to take iron, which they told me after the diabetic test. I have to admit, it upset my tummy, so I was not good about taking it. Sounds like you are doing great!

Hunsche Family said...

Hi there,
thanks for the update! Similar to Colleen, I had to take iron pills and they did make me a little nauseous but at least you're not diabetic! Keep the updates coming!