Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Home Sweet Home

Acadia Night One At Home

Chris and I had our hands full the first night Acadia came home. I got about 2 hours of sleep and Chris was lucky to have secured 45 minutes of shut-eye for herself. I awoke at 6 am to find Chris on the couch with Acadia in hand pasted out with drool on her chin. There was a fort of pillows constructed around Acadia to protect her in the unlikely event she made a break for it.

Night two was a dream compared to the first night. Please keep in mind the bar was set pretty low for improvement. Acadia slept through the night and only got up every 3 hours for a feeding. She made her papa proud. As well, my productivity at work improved.

Chris's mom has been awesome. Our fridge has never been more full as you can see in the above picture. I've gone back to work in an effort to bank my days off when all the support leaves town and we're left to fend for ourselves. While it's tough to be at work, when I get home (because of Mary) I have heaps of time to spend with my daughter (thanks Mary). Looking forward to my folks coming in next week.

Today was Acadia's first doctor's appointment. She would have made any mother proud with her behavior. As well, our pediatrician is awesome and fielded all our "First-time Parent Questions".

Yes, I'm guilty of checking to see if Acadia is still breathing. All first time parents must do this...right? Below is a picture of Chris at the appointment. She looks amazing and is ready to strut her stuff as MOM!

Below are some more pics of the main attraction

I have to end the post with some more burrito pictures.


Kristin said...

I was totally having flash backs reading your post. Your love for them is all that gets you through those moments...that and a lot of caffeine!
I love burrito baby pics! Thanks for sharing...she's lovely :)

Lacey said...

OMG! Chris you do look amazing! Acadia is sooo precious, I am totally getting baby fever again. She's beautiful!! Congrats again. Try to get some sleep, I'll try to call by the end of the week. Lots of love to the new and improved Vogel family!

Anonymous said...

Loved all the pictures. Acadia is beautiful and you both looking like you are doing really good with the parenthood. Looks like she has a personality already. Glad the fridge is full and she had a beautifu outfit to come home in. Can't wait to see her! (and you both too!) Love, Aunt Carol

Colleen Noble said...

What a gift the two of you have! Enjoy your beautiful baby girl. Hold on tight, it all goes too fast!

Kate said...

I really think she's one of the prettiest little newborns EVER! Those are some great pictures. I'm sure she'll settle into a routine fairly quickly. Best wishes to you guys. Can't wait to meet her in December!

Michelle and Jack said...

You have to quit making these posts...I keep getting teary-eyed!

She's simply adorable, and you guys are just too cute. And, beware...the "checking breathing" thing will go on for a LONG time. I still check sometimes.

Hunsche Family said...

Wow! She is really beautiful. You guys are natural parents and I love all the updates. Keep it up!!!

Shannon said...

Congratulations Chris & Scott. Your little burrito is beautiful :) And about the breathing thing...I do that too (even after 3)! All the best to your family.

Shannon (Michelle's sister-in-law)

Kendall said...

Congratulations Scott and Chris on your new addition. She is adorable and I love her name. Good luck with the sleepless nights. They actaully go by pretty fast. She'll be sleeping all night long in no time at all.