She was so happy about it she wanted to show off. I've been helping Acadia try to sit on her own for a few weeks now. She surprised us and sat all by herself for the first time today. Scott and I were such the proud parents!
We had some friends over for brunch. I met Christi and Carol at a mom's group that I go to. We each have a little girl and they were born within days of each other. I think the girls were about 8 weeks old when we first met...and we all immediately hit it off. Today was the first day we met each other spouses for the first time. We had so much fun I think we'll definitely be doing it again!
Here's Autumn...
We somehow forgot to get a picture of all three until Autumn and Emily were in their carseats. But at least we got something. Scott and I kept teasing that Acadia looks like "old man McGee" in this one.
It's been awhile since we've had a group over and we forgot how much we like to. I have a feeling with the weather getting warmer this is going to be a regular occurrence!