Monday, March 22, 2010

Spring has sprung!

At least it felt that way this weekend! Friday and Saturday was about 70 degrees and we took full advantage of it (pictures to follow soon)!

Acadia and I hung out Friday and took a couple long walks. I strapped her on to me in the morning and we headed to our playgroup at a local store. Finally I was able to figure out how to "wear" her in my wrap. I think that's going to be my favorite way to carry her now. After her afternoon nap we met up with a coworker of Scott's and her son and went for a long stroller walk around a nearby lake. It couldn't have been a better day!

Saturday was another great day. In the morning we walked around downtown Salem and in the afternoon we took another stroll along the water. We're so lucky that it's literally right out our front door.

Yesterday was a little cooler out, but still nice enough to get out. Acadia didn't want to nap at home so we bundled her up in her stroller and took off. I think we were out for almost 3 hours! It felt so good to get some fresh air and exercise.

Today it's gray and cool, so we'll see if we get out. Hopefully we'll do something.


Carol said...

Nothing like fresh air and exercise to make you feel good! Loved the pictures she is sooo cute!

The Wessels said...


I hope you don't mind having another follower! I'm a new mommy looking for fellow blogging mommies that are experiencing some of the same things that I am! My daughter is almost 5 months old now and I can't believe how fast time is flying by! Your daughter is beautiful! Thanks for sharing!!

Sara Wessels