Sunday, March 28, 2010

Perfect Sunday

Acadia turned seven months today and she was so happy about it!

She was so happy about it she wanted to show off. I've been helping Acadia try to sit on her own for a few weeks now. She surprised us and sat all by herself for the first time today. Scott and I were such the proud parents!

We had some friends over for brunch. I met Christi and Carol at a mom's group that I go to. We each have a little girl and they were born within days of each other. I think the girls were about 8 weeks old when we first met...and we all immediately hit it off. Today was the first day we met each other spouses for the first time. We had so much fun I think we'll definitely be doing it again!

Here's Autumn...

And here's Emily...

We somehow forgot to get a picture of all three until Autumn and Emily were in their carseats. But at least we got something. Scott and I kept teasing that Acadia looks like "old man McGee" in this one.

It's been awhile since we've had a group over and we forgot how much we like to. I have a feeling with the weather getting warmer this is going to be a regular occurrence!


Michelle and Jack said...

Acadia just can't get any prettier!

I LOVE the window light in your place.

And...I want to come over for brunch! I'm looking for plane tickets this week!

Ok...I think I told you everything I had to say :)

Auntie Sammie :) said...

Hi Everybody :)

Acadia just continues to amaze me; as do all three of you! I think it is wonderful that you have found a playgroup. I am very happy for you. Bottom line, if the three of you are happy, then I will be too. Love Always, Your Auntie Sammie :)

Samantha :) said...

Congratulations Acadia!!!

Wow, you sat up on your own for the first time and you are seven months old!! I could not be a more proud Auntie!! One day, hopefully before you start pre-school; I will get my act together and fly out to visit with you and your wonderful Mommy and Daddy at your beautiful home by the water.

With Hugs, Kisses & Lots Of Love Always,

Your Auntie Samantha :)

Carol said...

Acadia is such a big girl now. Loved seeing her girlfriends. Scott is the beaming Father, that picture was great!

Auntie Sammie said...

I just looked at a few streaming video clips on the Web site
Has the arc gone by yet? :)

I am certain everyone is staying warm and dry.

Oh, the ladybug sticker on your card was so cheerful and very much appreciated....

Love Ya