Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Happy New Year?

What a start to the new year it's been!

New Year's Eve was great. We had another couple over with their son since we knew none of us would really be doing much of anything. Acadia even fell asleep before we all had dinner. We hung out, laughed and just had fun.

Saturday it was 50 degrees and sunny! We got out and enjoyed it and took a long walk at a local beach. I made an easy dinner from leftovers and Scott and I even stayed up to watch a movie!

Fast forward to about midnight when everything changed. I was up almost every 20 minutes from about 12:00-8:00 not feeling well. At first it was just something I ate, but I quickly realized it had to be something else. I literally stayed in bed all day and wasn't able to eat or drink much of anything. I figured it would only be a 24 hour bug since that seems to be what's going around, so I went to bed and planned on a usual Monday at home. That didn't happen. Scott ended up staying home from work to take care of both Acadia and me. Since we don't have any back-up here we had no one else to call. Luckily Tuesday we were able to take Acadia back to daycare and Scott could go to work. I was hoping to make it back to work, but no such luck. Another day in bed, but at least I was able to eat a little bit.

I'm lucky that today I'm working from home as I don't know if I could have made the commute in. I'm hoping after another good night's rest and just relaxing during the day I kick this thing (whatever it is). I also go to my doctor on Friday for a checkup which will be a nice reassurance that this kiddo growing in my belly is just fine. I'm sure he/she is just a little little hungry and wondering when the food's coming back.

As you can imagine though, Acadia fared just fine with her Daddy. I could hear her giggles from upstairs. That made me both happy and sad. Happy that she got such great quality time with Scott, but sad that I couldn't be part of it. I'm sure we'll have lots of fun this weekend though...that is after we clean up from the mess we've created this week!


Kirk and Krupa said...

I love the picture of Acadia looking into the container with toys strewn all about. I can hear her thinking what else can I throw around. So cute!

Becky Graziano said...

I agree - Happy New Year? A few things have happened over here...a little too much to post on your blog. Ha! So all of that hoopla health stuff and then my back goes out on Wednesday afternoon. I'm heading to the chiro tonight and hoping that I can lift Lia long enough to put her in her carseat. Oh...the joys. Hope you feel better soon! xoxo

Anonymous said...

Make that three active children! I think Scott had some FUN on his unexpected day off! XO, MIL

Colleen Noble said...

Hope you are feeling better!