Thursday, April 14, 2011


Today was a great day.

Today was the first day that Rylan didn't have to get a blood test. If you saw his arms and feet you would know why this was such good news. The poor little guy's feet look like pin cushions and his arm has been stuck so many times that yesterday the nurse couldn't even find a vein to use.
After his blood test yesterday, I received my daily call from our pediatrician. After the call the day before I was expecting his count to go up and that would mean another hospital trip for some more light therapy. Instead, we found out that his numbers went slightly down. While it wasn't a significant drop, it was enough for the doctor to know that we don't have to worry about this anymore.

We also had our biweekly appointment with the doctor to check Rylan's weight. At the hospital (the first time), we were told we had to supplement Rylan's nursing with a bottle afterwards. He needed the extra calories since he was so little. I wasn't crazy about doing this since Acadia had a hard time going back and forth, but we didn't have much of a choice. I just made sure that someone else (either Scott, my mom or a nurse) gave him the bottle. Well, Monday I was home alone and didn't have any other option. Rylan refused to take the bottle from me though. Later on a friend came over and she tried. He took it, then immediately spit the whole thing up. We tried again later when Scott came home and he did it again. Now I was worried that he wasn't going to gain enough weight. That wasn't the case. Rylan's weight was up 3 ounces in three days! The doctor (along with me) was so happy to hear this. That means no more bottle!

Driving home with both kids in the back, listening to Sesame Street I couldn't have been happier. Hopefully now we can just settle in to our new life.


Kate said...

Such great news! As if it isn't hard enough to adjust to a new baby (especially when you already have another child)... you've had so much to deal with. SO glad to hear he is growing and getting over the jaundice!

Michelle and Jack said...

:) Sweet relief.

samantha3 said...