Friday, December 16, 2011


I wanted to take a moment to say thank you to everyone for your thoughts, prayers and words of encouragement - without them our strength and speedy recovery wouldn't have been possible. While it's not possible to individually thank each one of you - please know we sincerely appreciate having you in our corner through this.

It's hard to put into words how this experience has changed me - the only word that comes to mind is thankful. Thankful for my family, friends and co-workers. Thankful for strangers who have lent their support/help. Thankful for the simple things like health, a child's hug/smile or your wife holding your hand.

All of our lives are so busy and packed, but take a moment and enjoy the simple things in your life that at the end of the day give us the greatest joy/happiness.

Please continue to send your thoughts are prayers to our godson - he's a tough kid with some heavy lifting ahead.

It's about 8pm and ready to head to sleep :)



Samantha said...

Thank you!! :)

shilpakaki said...

Dear Scott,

My name is Shilpa - I am cousin of DJ. I just want to thank you and your entire family for this act of selflessness and helping our family. Your kindness and generosity is what humanity is all about. I will keep you in my prayers and may God bless you on this Holiday season and for the rest of your long life.