Monday, December 12, 2011

Two rock stars

Both Scott and Jaisal are out of surgery and doing well. Scott sat up for awhile and even did a little walking. Now he's going to try and get some rest while he can between all the late night vital checks. I'm so proud of everything he's done.

Jaisal's surgery was about 6 hours which was quicker than we all thought. He's also recuperating and resting. The little man surprised us all and was able to breath on his own after everything too.

Someone is definitely looking down on these guys!


Kate said...

Yay!!! I CANNOT imagine what a day it has been for all of you. So glad to hear the great news! How are you holding up, Chris?

Samantha said...

Amazing! Thank you for the update....Love Always Auntie Sammie

Samantha said...

I hope everyone was able to grab a few hours of shut eye last night. For Scott with the regular vital checks, I am certain not easy at all!!
Big hugs, kisses and lots of love to you all...
Auntie Sammie :)